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Nov 21, 2005 11:31

Things that caught my eye this cold & dreary morning in DC:

++ Darwin & Evolution are Newsweek's current cover story... my science friend bailunrui will probably have more thoughts on that later. :)

++ Surprise, surprise, the Nats Stadium is gonna cost more than originally projected - like, $55 million more.

++ Speaking of sports: yet another "redskins name is offensive" column.

++ WaPo front page headline says it all: Bush's Asia Trip Meets Low Expectations.

++ Perfect example of "low expectations": OMG you forgot Poland Mongolia!!! Dude.

++ Obviousness: Iraq War Debate Eclipses All Other Issues

++ Among Those at War, Morale Remains Strong, for Now. Key words being "for now".

++ Defense of Phosphorus Use Turns Into Damage Control

++ Bad news from Detroit: GM to Cut 30,000 Jobs, Close 9 Plants. I'm having massive Roger & Me flashbacks.

++ Conor Oberst's "music" makes my ears bleed, but I love his anti-Bush politics.

++ Costliest Part of Gulf Rebuilding Yet to Come. Gaaaaaah.

++ Three Republican Senators refusing to tolerate or condone torture: John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and my own Virginia Senator John Warner.

++ Forget birdflu, we already have a pandemic: 40 million people now have AIDS worldwide.

++ Fun site for my atheist friends: God is a Dick. Actually kind of fun for religious people too... because really, God *can* be a dick sometimes.

++ Is the British blogosphere lagging behind? Interesting look at political blogs on the other side of the pond.

++ From SourceWatch, a site everyone should have bookmarked: Examples of Industry-funded organizations. They list everything from transparent, identifiable groups like the MPAA to misleading scams "Center for Consumer Freedom" - a total bullshit front lobbying group of junk food, alcohol and tobacco industries. (I've posted about CCF previously here and here.)


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