Headlines Roundup

Nov 12, 2005 18:52

++ Via TalkLeft: Bruce Willis is offering $1 million cash to any civilian who captures Osama bin Laden. TalkLeft suggests Bruce get in touch with Dog the Bounty Hunter.

++ GOP's Legislative Agenda Losing Steam. Whee!

++ Scary news: the DNC is losing the fundraising race by nearly 2 to 1. That's not good. Go give them some money.

++ John Edwards has a column in tomorow's WaPo declaring, "I was wrong" to vote for the war in Iraq. Good for him.

++ In 2003, now-disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff charged $9 million for a meeting with Bush and the president of Gabon. Good god.

++ At least 34 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq this month. We're not even 3 weeks into November.

++ A day in the life of the Army Casualty & Memorial Affairs Operation in Alexandria.

++ The Fix lays out 2008 Hopefuls - no one we haven't already heard about.

++ "The latest Newsweek poll shows serious political trouble for President Bush." This one's even better than the ABC/WaPo poll last week.

++ Random weirdness: Cell phone bandits strike DC!

++ Jimmy Carter is "disturbed" by direction of U.S.. Welcome to the club, buddy.

++ Kos on why impeachment talk is silly, primarily because we don't want Dick Cheney president. Why do you think no one has tried to pull a John Hinkley Jr here? Cheney is a thousand times scarier.

++ From Amanda at Pandagon: Someone please persecute a Christian to justify the paranoia. Heh.

++ Via zarq: Pat Robertson wants God to smite Dover, PA. I guess threatening to assasinate presidents got boring or something.

war, democrats, president asshat

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