Or in layman's terms, "handing out 'VOTE DEMOCRATIC' flyers at the Pentagon City Metro station for 3 hours". I'd forgotten how much I love & hate doing this. I love it, because I'm all about feeling useful and getting the message out, instead of sitting at home feeling powerless. I hate it, because I'm rather shy and it takes me at least 15 minutes to get my hello-remember-to-vote-democratic-tomorrow-take-a-flyer! spiel down pat.
I do have to say, it was a lot easier passing out flyers this time around. I only got two or three "eew, Democrats" type comments today! Of course, I was in Arlington, which is possibly the most Democrat friendly city in the whole state, so that helped. ;)
Tomorrow, I'm supposed to meet up with Reston-based volunteers at our Delegate's house - which is apparently less than a mile from my apartment! - and either knock on doors, phone bank, or help drive transport seniors to the polls. I feel so plugged into the democratic process right now. Go me!!!
++ Polls are open from 6 AM to 7 PM statewide.
++ Vote at the same place you went to vote in the June primaries or last November's presidential election. If you're not sure where to vote,
check here.
++ Bring a driver's license or state issued ID just in case someone tries to hassle you.
++ Go earlier in the morning or afternoon to avoid the crowds.