Anderson & Nagin

Sep 02, 2005 11:45

OMG, if only I had CNN here right now. Directly lifted from Wonkette (sorry to C&P off you, baby):
KING: Anderson Cooper in Biloxi, Mississippi and you were an angry man today, Anderson at what?

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I wouldn't say I'm angry, you know. I think I'm tired of hearing the politicians say that, you know, they understand the frustration of people down here. To me, you know, it's not frustration. It's not that people are frustrated.

It's that people are dying. I mean there are people dying. They're drowning to death and they drown in their living rooms and their bodies are rotting where they drowned and there are corpses in the street being eaten by rats and this is the United States of America.


Also, all the people who are screaming "Mayor Nagin sucks!!11!!!" need to STFU.
"After 9/11 we gave the president unprecented powers to take care of New York and those other places.... you mean to tell me that a place where thousands of people and thousands more people are dying, we can't figure out [how to get them help]. . . Somebody needs to get their ass on a plane and sit down and sit down the two them figure this out."

[...]"I don't want to see anybody to anymore more goddamn press conferences. Put a moratorium on press conferences. Don't do another press conference until the resources are in this city."

People need to seriously stop comparing this to Rudy & 9/11. It's a completely different situation on a thousand levels. The 9/11 attacks were a single catastrophic event, and all the damage was centered on a single geographical location. There were tens of thousands of ready-and-willing trained rescue professionals on hand. All Rudy really had to do was cheerlead and keep up moral.

hurricane katrina, anderson cooper, mayor nagin

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