Four Images That Crack My Shit Up

Aug 24, 2005 01:34

1. From The Onion,

Heheheheheh. At least 3 people on my flist have pointed this out to me already, but here it is again.

2. Via Kos,

Featured in this article: "Bill Moyer, 73, wears a "Bullshit Protector" flap over his ear while President George W. Bush addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars." Oh, I love it.

3. Seen on AmericaBlog and Atrios:

Okay, I'm a huge polar bear-penguin-baby seal freak, so you better believe this ad (for the National Wildlife Federation) got my attention and quick. OMGWTFPOLARBEAR!!!

4. Finally, as seen on this week's Top 10 Conservative Idiots,

Hey Liberals, GET A BRAIN, MORANS!!!! Ahahahahahahahahaha. This never gets old, NEVER EVER NEVER.


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