Hillary, Dean and the Perverted Ex-PopStars

Jan 31, 2005 16:54

Dude! Hillary just collapsed!!!

She's okay though... got right back up & kept speaking. Awww, you go Senator.

Oooh! Oooh! State Chairs Overwhelmingly for Dean. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

From the Detroit Free Press:
The party's presidential front-runner in 2003 won 56 votes from the state chairs and Democratic activist Donnie Fowler -- who led Sen. John Kerry's successful Michigan caucus campaign -- won 21 during a national conference call. The state chairs ignored a recommendation made Sunday by the executive committee to back Fowler. Other candidates' support Monday was in single digits.

It's still a long way until Feb 12th, and that's plenty of time for another DeanScream tape to get played 600 times in less than a week. (No I'm not bitter or anything.) But Dean seems to be on the right track and I'm cautiously optimistic.

Btw, if you have't seen Dean's Plan for the DNC, check it out. Very straightforward, commonsense directives instead of platitudes and lofty dreams. This guy is the real deal, people!

Again I would like to stress that I am not getting compensated by the Dean Campaign, although I am certainly willing to be, as I have bills to pay and whatnot. CALL ME, HOWIE!!!

Finally, in complete unrelatedness... I swear to Jeebus I never want to hear the words "Jackson" "Child" and "Trial" in the same sentance EVER AGAIN OMG. I cannot fucking believe that while there is war and destruction and so many other things happening in the world, the media insists on talking about a kiddie molesting washed up pop star. Seriously, does anyone actually give a fuck? Are you sitting at home going, "Oooh, I can't wait to see more about Michael!"? No, of course you're not.

You're sitting at home thinking about the Oscars next week. Duh!

democrats:howard dean, democrats:hillary clinton

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