Score One for the Loons

Jan 30, 2005 19:16

ww1614 mentioned how Bill O'Reilly had insulted Sen. Boxer & then denied doing so when a columnist called him on it. That's nothing new, because O'Reilly insults everyone, but this time one of his guests actually had the balls to confront him about it.

I looked up the columnist in question, Sylvester Brown. His reaction to O'Reilly's apology?
"I'll have the beluga caviar, the risotto with fresh white truffles, the linguine with lobster, shrimp and crabmeat and a bottle of your best merlot. Thank you."

I'm practicing for my dinner at Tony's restaurant downtown with Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly.

Hee!!! This amused me so much I had to send him an email, and he answered me back!

Mr Brown,
I came to your column by way of and just wanted to say, congratulations & thank you. I love it when O'Reilly gets put in his place!!! Although, I wouldn't put too much hope into that dinner at Tony's. :)
Marie Krohe


Hi Marie,
Thanks for the email. O'Reilly has already "spun" himself out of the dinner. he came on a local station in St. Louis and said I didn't accept his bet on the air. Apparently, we were supposed to shake on it or something. I expected as much from the blowhard. It was fun none-the-less. Thanks again. -- Sylvester

Fucking cheap ass O'Reilly. Grrr. Still, I got a laugh out of the thing. And reporters NEVER answer emails, yo. At least, Bill O'Reilly never answers his emails. Maybe if I didn't sign them, "Yours in hatred, Marie... PS I HOPE YOU DIE!!11!!!"

Yeah, maybe that has something to do with it. ;)

bill o'reilly, democrats:barbara boxer

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