Let's just leave Iraq to iraqis - a poisonous thought #3

Sep 25, 2006 12:18

Hey, what's wrong with just leaving Iraq? We catch a couple of bad guys, bomb a few hideouts and then leave holding our heads high. Keep face, so to speak...

Let the iraqis and the various breeds of foreign terrorist element kill each other until a Saddam-like figure emerges and takes control of the whole country. At least, now, they will not see us there as a potent irritant. After a while, they will realize that muslims are killing muslims. All the hate, all the anti-Western hand-wringing and sable-rattling will no longer be in fashion.

Yes, the Iraq may destabilize even futher (if it is possible) in a near term, but then the natural process will take over and the leadership capable of holding the country together will emerge. One will hope it is the current moderate government, but, in truth, one never knows. As long as bloodletting stops.

And we will have more of our own resources and man power available for the real war on terror, against those who really did attack us on 9/11

Oh, Halliburton will not make as much money in Iraq as they do now. I will definitely not cry over that...

war in iraq, war on terror, iraq

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