Gingrich likens bilingual education to "ghetto"

Apr 01, 2007 14:12

Wow!. What can I say! The architect of 1994 Republican revolution in Congress finds stuffing his foot in his mouth a very pleasant thing to do and does so frequently. He's once suggested censoring the internet at the speech in Vermont. Now he equates bilingual education with "language of living in a ghetto"

This country has been built by ambitious, workmanlike immigrants, most of who did not speak English. They need education, not just English. And every way we can help them assimilate in our society, our culture, our life, we should do so. And if it means election ballots in Spanish or any other language or allowing non-English-language education, so be it. We will all bve better off for it.

Newt Gingrich shyould be a comedian, because there is no way to accept this bile that he's spewing, unless it is a comedy routine.

newt gingrich, us politics, gop, immigration

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