Economic Downturn and Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Projected Deficits - Center on Budget an

Jun 01, 2011 08:11

Only two things contribute to the continuing large federal deficits: Economic slowdown and Bush policies. Republicans may disagree but their grip on reality is tenuous at best.

Economic Downturn and Bush Policies Continue to Drive Large Projected Deficits - Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

"Some lawmakers, pundits, and others continue to say that President George W. Bush’s policies did not drive the projected federal deficits of the coming decade - that, instead, it was the policies of President Obama and Congress in 2009 and 2010. But, the fact remains: the economic downturn, President Bush’s tax cuts and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq explain virtually the entire deficit over the next ten years."


bush policies, budget deficit, economic slowdown

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