The morning after a good day

May 19, 2010 08:13

Last night was a good day for Democrats in American Politics. On the night rightfully called "the Primaries Night", Democrats scored their third consecutive Special US Congress Election victory in PA-12: Mark Critz(D) beats Tim Burns(R). Quite handily, actually.

Also, in the two very hotly contested Kentucky Senatorial Primaries, a tea party extremist, Rand Paul(R) defeated a GOP establishment candidate Trey Greyson, while, on the Democratic size, a moderate, Jack Conway defeated fellow moderate democrate, Mongiardo. So, we'll have a far-right Rand Paul fight a moderate Democrat in November. Judging by the huge turnout in the Democrat primary, the kentucky Democrats are enthused. They've been given an opportunity to turn the seat blue. It is unclear how the Tea Party candidate's position may be attractive to a moderate in Kentucky.

In Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Primary, retired read Admiral Joe Sestak (D) defeated the recently turned Democrat Arlene Specter, who had been in the US Senate for over 30 years. An era came to an end. Ultimately, Pennsylvania Democrats were unable to nominate a former Republican. So, Joe Sestak, a moderate Democrat, will face another Tea party extremist, Pat Toomey.

Even in the possible GOP tsunami in November, a moderate Democrat should be able to hold off an extremist GOPnik.

What provided a cherry on top was another Republican Congressment of the GOP '94 freshman class retiring because of a scandal (a Republican lawmaker with a scandal - you don't say!): Mark Souder (R-IN) had been caught with his pants down and is retiring. And get this, he was caught having an affair with a co-host of his abstinence-only education video. Yes, it is that funny. Republicans just love to say one thing and do something totally opposite.

Republican sex scandals are becoming predictable: married abstinence-only types screw their mistresses, anti-gay crusaders have gay sex. I am no longer surprised. To be sure, Democratic lawmakers also get caught in sexual scandals. The difference, though, is that, most of the time, Democrats do not take the "holier than thou" road on the way to scandals. Democrats having gay sex ARE openly gay and Democrats having out-of-wedlock sex do not usually support abstinence education.

decision 2010, special elections, republican sex scandals

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