Business Regulations: Great Example of How Real Political Debate is Missing!

Mar 14, 2012 07:24

I am wondering if I am alone in this frustration? Our two political parties are making grand statements about the effects of regulations on business and the environment. To hear republicans you'd think that the Obama Administration has completely stifled business with the number of regulations he's put in place, while to hear democrats you'd think that the republicans want to literally put mercury in our drinking water as soon as they can. To make matters worse, the rhetoric is likely to get more rediculous as campaign season moves on since scare tactics and negativity seem to be what works best.

To me regulation reform is probably a perfect issue to debate. As a businessman with a fairly high level job I do see the effects of excessive regulations in many areas. However, I'm also not ready to trust that big business is ready to be the stewards of our environment and health. I can see the democrats' point that history shows that business can act in its own self interest at the expense of people, and I see the republicans' point that excessive regulations can stifle economic health. Both sides have a point, and generally when this kind of thing happens it's a perfect time to sit down and work things out!

Instead, however, the ”debate” over regulations has become a perfect example of where the hyperpartisan and angry split between the two parties has fostered exaggeration and manipulation of facts that lacks detail and substance. The average voter does not want to do hours of research and therefore must often judge things from 30 second political ads or soundbites. The actual regulations that the republicans want changed are never mentioned in detail, nor are the specific regulations that democrats say should stay in place.

Effective and respectful debate between our political parties must start and end with detail and precendent, while generalizations that lack substance only serve to widen the hyper partisan divide and make rational discussion close to impossible. Notice the topic of regulations the next time a candidate talks about it...the generalizations and exaggerations are plain to see! This seems like a perfect opportunity lost.

I am looking forward to any comments here, given that many of us were drawn to Live Journal because of the intelligence here, and the fact that in these communities these kinds of rational and respectful debates actually do happen! Thus I'm wondering if you all share my frustration no matter what your political views...or maybe you feel that the tone is necessary for some reason? Either way, I'm curious what people think...

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democrats, republicans

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