Repressions by the State and their impact on the Art.

Nov 29, 2008 14:23

I realize, many people here won't agree with me that some level of the State's repressions sometimes benefits to the Art. In some circumstances these mobilize the creative activity. Becouse the artist clearly sees in front of him injustice and malformed and reflects it some way. But if he simply pressed with impersonal force such as money, market etc., he often becomes demoralized. Here's example. Some Russian artists stood with the masks and posters near the vote station at the last parliamentary elections in Russia. "I sell my vote for drink!" was written on their posters. So they expressed their protest against election's irregularities. Next minute they all were captured by the police.

Some other thoughts about art and its environment see in the article below.

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The art is died. Long live the art!

There is fairly widespread view that the art is died. This opinion we can see not only in the art community, but also among people who interested in the arts. Many people believe that artists can't say anything new and any new forms can't appears. One can only re-quote and outplay something that was already expressed by somebody. We, supposedly, can only compete with each other in epatage. This viewpoint is quite coordinated to the dominant spirit of our age - postmodernism.

Certainly, the art comes at deadlock. But what is it? Death or crisis? Is it transition in something new?

What should help to the artist to overcome global problems of the art in himself (in himself, because artistic creativity is purely
individual process that doesn't related directly with the social, objective reality)?

What is the cause of emptiness and poverty of postmodern art?
We think, that the main reason for that is narcissus nature of the mentality of the modern artist. The artist had lost communications with the two most powerful forces of creativity. First of these forces is the Nature and the second are the ideals, which occurrence could be solely and exclusively on the basis of a common cause, that uniting people. Because such concepts as Beauty, Good, Weal, Truth, nobility, dignity etc. (as well as their antithesis) can appear only if there's an organic link between people. "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main" (John Donne). The artist found himself in a situation of exclusion from primary basis of a creativity.

We would like that our readers rightly understand us. The totalitarian socio-political projects are not the real common cause. It is rather parody, hopeless and impasse attempt to overcome the collapse of the organic social communication and prevent the triumph of nihilism.

The correct diagnosis of disease ensures the best treatments and gives the solid chance of recovery. Self-isolated in the shell of narcissus experiences doesn't help to the artist to find a new scale of a creativity. This is possible only by the way of recovery contacts
with the Being. And in this case his personal creative act will become the true event (CO-BEING, CO-EXISTENCE). But these searches are not the plain game, it is not a simple task. It's a way, that requires a repudiation of the spiritual and material сomfortism and may be lead
to many dangers and disappointments. It's a way of courageous...

Pessimists would say, that this impulse is doomed to die under the wheels of powerful System, objective conditions and history, which moves (supposedly) in the different direction. We answer - people make History! People (community of people, who knitted by the single idea
and the single will) give to the History any direction. But even if assuming that the pessimists will be right - the true Artist only smile to them (Sapienti sat).

Our project of the Commune certainly can not solve all the problems of the artist. Its mission to create a free socio-cultural space and facilitate to the artist go on at thorny path of gaining of meaning. Art-community must try to transform this space in a foothold and in a new outpost of avant-garde culture.

Some artistic individuals already are making searches in a similar direction. For example, there is "SPARTA" (Agricultural Poetic Association for the Development of labor Activity) near the Kharkov (Ukraine). Members of this community voluntarily engaged difficult peasant labor, and use their free time to write poetry. There is one negative point - it's a system of strict external control for a life style of its members (drink and smoke are strictly forbidden here).
But their basic idea merits attention. It's important and productive idea of combination the collective work at the nature with creativity. We would critically review this experiences based on the principles of Commune. In our view, it would be possible the establishment of free settlement, which would be contains
the follows (all in one):
- Field creative studio and art-center,
- Sports Camp,
- Field education center,
- Platform for work and rest at the nature.

Certainly, such a settlement can't be created only for artists. This project is for all participants of the Commune. Its ideas and principles are finding realization there. We can in advance reject criticism from every foes, that we want to create some kind of totalitarian sect or place of permissiveness for neo-hippy.

Dmitry Kremnev.

no seriously wtf

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