what a week. I got my new mac book (still thinking of a name for him)! This makes me very very happy. Now I can store all my music on my hard drive and not have my processors overload every 5 seconds. Also, I've been experimenting with dyeing with black beans. The colors I'm getting are just amazing, and from something so simple and easily obtainable as black beans! Here are my results:
from left to right: golden rod, black beans over golden rod, black beans over onion skin, black bean exhaust bath over onion skin, black bean with ammonia after bath, black bean exhaust with ammonia after bath. black bean exhaust with vinegar after bath, black bean with vinegar after bath.
I've got some skeins of wool soaking up the rest of the pigment, so I'll probably eventually post those too. Right now I'm basking in my fiber orgasm *basks*