24 November 2004 - Commentary from David Tibet / Current 93
Dear all:
John Balance who loved the moon too and has rushed in flames to God now
On Tuesday 23 November my wife and I, as well as about a hundred others of his close friends and family, attended the funeral ceremony of Geff Rushton/Jhonn Balance at a private ceremony near Bristol. The emotion was overwhelming for us all as we said farewell to his body and "see you on the other side" to a friend who had delighted (and occasionally infuriated!) us for many years, and who had moved so deeply all the many people who knew his work only from albums and shows. He was cremated after the service, ending his body as he lived his life: in a passion of flame and Mercury Rising.
The event was profoundly powerful and moving, featuring reminiscences and readings by Sleazy, his partner Ian Johnstone, his mother, the poet Jeremy Reed, Geoff Cox and myself. A song was sung by Francois Testory and live music was played by Cliff Stapleton and Mike York; and recordings were played by John Tavener, Coil, Jane Siberry, Lal Waterson and Oliver Knight, Johnny Cash and Henry Mancini. Geff looked very much at peace and everyone who saw him observed a smile on his lips. The service was held in a beautiful space covered with flowers, fruits, vegetables, candles as Geff's earthly body was guarded by goats.
The pain of his loss will never go away; but its form will change, as will we too after his parting. No doubt Geff has stolen a march on all of us and will greet us with a glass from inside the gates of Paradise. If every man and woman is a star, Geff was one of the brightest. We will not see his like again.
The poem I wrote for him and read for him is this:
MOONBIRD for Jhonn
When I sleep
I am awake
When I see your eyes
Ferocious like a Saint's
You are a Moonbird
And have gone to circle those planets
On which you tried to live on earth
Always a great joy
Always a great pain
I saw in your great soul
You have taken the time
To empty time
While you emptied wine
Throwing yourself into life and then death
Your spirit was utter chaotic beauty
I always saw something
Terrifyingly immortal in you
Ready to crash through your body into lights and forests and seas
You are not the only broken one
But a break enough to break hearts
A savage slide
Beyond the limnal time we all know here
You have taken the time
To take our time
Into you
One final time
And you are now translucent
In the stars
Back to mundanity
I had intended the majority of the text on this update to go out last week but the shocking and untimely death of our beloved friend BALANCE has skewed everything. The 2LP Current 93 album that is released very soon on Beta-lactam Ring Records was to be entitled HOW I LOVED THE MOON. As a result of his going to God, David Tibet and Steven Stapleton have changed the title of the album to HOW HE LOVED THE MOON and dedicated it to the Great Heart and Great Soul of Jhonn Balance.
For obvious reasons Coil cannot continue, and will NOT be appearing in any form on the dates scheduled for December or next year.
We will be making a number of new and archive recordings available here soon, including the latest release Jhonn had been planning which was ALREADY called "And the Ambulance Died in his Arms..." - a live recording of Coil's performance at ATP last year. We hope to make this a free download in Jhonn's honour - check back here for details.
Early the New Year we will be releasing a box set of DVDs containing the entire catalog of Coil on video in one fell swoop, as well as the last major audio work The Ape of Naples.
This album will combine the planned and substancially revised Black Antlers Proper, with other recordings currently in progress, as well as the best of unreleased past material including some from the now-legendary never-released Backwards album.
There are plans afoot to make available Jhonn's lyrics, written, drawn, and otherwise spat-out scrawled, carved in blood and inscribed works.- more news on this when it becomes available.
After a much needed break, Sleazy and Ian will be continuing to make personal art, music dvd and video projects, with the same ferocious intensity of their work to date with Jhonn, but it is too early to say what form these will take.
This thresholdhouse website will continue to offer the work of Jhonn Balance and Coil, plus news and links to Sleazy's and Ian's ongoing creative output.
Thursday 25th November 2004 ev.
If you would like to make a contribution to a Book of Condolence, particularly about how Jhonn's life, work and vision affected yours, you can still do so for a few days.
Please email
Everyone at Threshold House is deeply touched by all the many heartfelt entries that have been sent in.
Messages received within seven solar days of Jhonn's fall were printed and placed within the Coffin.and so burned with him - Jhonn never liked to embark on a long journey without something to read!