Mar 23, 2005 09:10
So...yesterday which was Tuesday by my estimate I woke up at 8:30 (went to bed around 4) to go downstairs and wake Jon up for his 9:00 class. Well, when I went down there he was semi-coherent which was a first so I concluded that he would get up in time for his class since now he knew what time it was. I made the "foolish mistake" of laying down with him, saying to myself "It'll only be for a few minutes and you're wide awake so you don't have anything to worry about." Boy was I wrong! The next time I looked at the clock it was 1 in the afternoon, and I had slept through my first class. Shit shit shit. Oh well, I went upstairs and started getting ready for my class at 2. When I got out of the shower however, I totally lost my center of gravity and I almost fell over. I sat down and tried to compose myself, but when I stood up again: same thing. Then I noticed that my ear was hurting on the same side it did when I had an inner ear inflamation earlier this semester that was making me dizzy and naseated, not to mention the fact that it kept me out of class for almost two weeks. I really didn't want to be sick again, and I wish I could have just ignored it and gone to my class, but I couldn't walk. Every step felt like I was that much closer to passing out, puking or just falling on the floor. I decided it would be best to lay down for a bit, take one of the pills from last time I was sick (its one to treat the symptoms I was experiencing,) and drink a lot of orange juice. My theory turned out to be right, because when I got up again at least I didn't feel like I was going to hurl. Although I did feel a little loopy...the meds do that to ya. Better than vomit though, better than vomit. :-)
At 3:45 (still yesterday) Jon and I went to look at an apartment together. This was the first time we had actually been out to see something and I was really excited seeing as how I had spent the entire night dreaming out what the apartment would be like. It was nothing like I pictured. It was a nice, clean place mind you...just INCREDIBLY SMALL. The bedroom was 1/2 the size of a dorm room and the lady was talking about putting a double bed in there. Also there wasn't a bathtub and I'm such a fan of baths I really don't want to live in a place where I can't come home and take a nice hot bubble bath after a stressful day. If anyone out there is interested in a one bedroom with heat and hot water included, pay your own electric, cable, and phone service let me know. I'll give you the lady's phone number. Maybe you can talk her down on the price too...she wants $870 a month, $850 if you pay cash. Of course that was when there were two people that were going to be living there. Perhaps the rent is different if you plan on living alone.
After that I still felt a little weird and dizzy so we went to get some food which was good. Afterwards we stopped in at this place called New Paltz Gardens which is a really nice looking apartment complex. The building are all brick, the lawns are well mantained and there's a pool! We got one of the application packets and I think we're going to try to move into a one bedroom if they have any coming available May 1st. When we got back to dorm I almost immediately passed out on Jon's bed. I think I slept for about 45 minutes. I would have stayed there longer if it weren't for the fact that I have three tests today (Wednesday right?) and I wasn't really prepared for any of them at that point.
Now, after having stayed up all night I feel that I will manage OK on my Physical Geography Mid Term, probably an A on the South American Indians one, and I'm hoping I pass my Race and Racism Mid Term. I really have no idea how that last one is going to go... I would really like it to go well though. I like the class and the prof a lot and I don't want to have to withdraw from the course. Of course the last day to do that is tommorow and I doubt I'll have my grade by then, so I guess I'm just stuck with it.
Here's what the rest of my day looks like:
It's now 9:30am
I need to go wake up Paul
At 10:00-Gender and Anthropology
11:15-12:15 Kevin and Janelle super awesome lunch time bitch about everything and eat cake. I really don't know why I said that about the cake...well sometimes Kevin eats cake so I guess it half makes sense. Heh, yes I have been up all night and I'm fast approaching that incoherant rambling stage. I better hurry this up...
12:30 Physical Geography Mid Term
14:00 South American Indians, starting off with a lovely quiz worth 20 points. YEAH!
15:30 Race and Racism Mid Term *gulp*
16:45 Run home and get a cappella stuff, call Liisa, put on warmer clothes
17:30 Hopefully dinner at the SUB with Liisa
18:30 Sectional
19:30 AA
21:00 Oscar's? I'm sure someone will want me to buy them food. I'm like $400.00 over on my balance. This is how much I hate the school food.
21:30 Bliss! See boyfriend for the 1st time in 12 hours...try to make him give me a backrub.
23:00 Write summary/reaction for class tommorow
00:00 Please let it be time to sleep.
Hokay so here I go...