I woke up at 8:04 this morning, after having a really weird dream. My parents were convinced that they were going to die in their sleep that night. I was still mad at my dad, but I wanted to make sure that they felt OK about dying so I sat down with them and asked if there was anything they wanted me to do for them after they died. Sort of a "final request" thing. They handed me a rectangular package about the size and shape a single bottle of wine would come in, wrapped with brown paper and packing tape. The package was addressed to one of their tennants, and oddly enough the return address was that of another one of their tennants. I asked them what was inside it, and they said "Well, you may open it if you think that you can handle it, we would actually rather that you did." Not wanting to dissapoint them in their "final hour" I opened it up with my pocket knife (I don't own a pocket knife.) Inside there was a collection of gourmet coffees and teas. My mom then proceeded to pull a teacup, saucer and kettle of hot water out of nowhere and fixed me a cup of chai tea. A bagel then appeared in front of my mouth and I ate it without using hands. Just as I was finnishing up I yelled, "Oh no! I was supposed to be fasting!!" Then I woke up. I was really worried that I actually HAD ruined my fast until I realized where I was, and that I had been dreaming.
We got to the doctor's office around 8:55, so we had to wait about 15 minutes for the lab girl that does all the bloodwork to get there and get set up. When I went in and handed her the paperwork she got all upset, because the doctor had forgotten to check the box indicating what kind of test he wanted done. She stormed out of the lab and over to the doc's office to find out what they wanted done. This made me a little nervous, because here's the girl that's about to stick a needle in me getting all pissed off. Generally I prefer it when people are gentle when taking my blood. She came back, still angry because there weren't any nurses available to answer her question. Then she says, "I'm just going to take enough blood so they can do whatever tests they want." Hmmm once again, not exactly what I wanted to hear. Luckily before she started taking blood she realized that we had the same birthday and that put her in a better mood. Generally she is a really sweet lady, I'm thinking she must have had a bad morning to begin with and to have to fix a doctor's mistake first thing in the morning didn't make it better. So...it wasn't any worse than usual when she took my blood, except for the fact that she drew four viles instead of the standard two. I had to let her use my left arm, because my right one still hurt from when they took my blood at the emergency room in Long Island (they were not very gentle.) After the vampire as my mom calls the person who takes my blood, we went to the bank, then back home to call the guy who is going to fix my tire to see if we could have my car towed there. After that we called AAA to have them tow the car. On the way to meet the tow truck we stopped at Dunkin' Dzz and mom bought me a vanilla chai and a bagel (hehe.) We had to wait almost an hour for the tow truck. During this time my mom kept repeating to me the same thing she had been saying before we even went to the doctor, "You should never swear at your father. That was very inappropriate." Of course I know this, but the things he said to me were far worse. While we were waiting my dad called and told me that the doc had called and I needed to go back there and give them a urine sample, which is my absolute FAVORITE thing to do. Finally the tow truck got there and we took it to the repair shop. Doug, the guy that owns the repair shop was really nice to me. He said it was good to see me, and wondered where I had been. That was nice to hear. After dropping the car off at Doug's my mom wanted to collect some more rent, and then we went back to the doctor so I could piss in a cup. Finally we went home where my mom and dad proceeded to have a fight...and guess what? This time my dad was swearing at my mom so there! Practice what you preach is what I say!! I've been sitting up here ever since, b/c I'm afraid to go down there if they are still fighting. I can't ever keep my mouth shut and I'll just end up making it worse. I've been talking to Dave and taking quizzes for quite a while now. Dave is going to help me get in shape! I'm going to get a membership at his gym and he's going to be my personal trainer! I'm so excited! If I stick with it I may be able to get my cholesterol down low enough so I won't have to take pills. That would be excellent.
You scored as Dragon.
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Which Fantastical Creature Suits Your Style?created with
QuizFarm.com You scored as
suffication by weasles. you will eventualy find yourself in a pit of weasles... they will cover you, slowly sufficate you and eat your nose..
wow, that sucks
suffication by weasles
allergic reaction to a ladybug bite
eaten by a rabid shark
death by paper cut and lemon juice saturation
how are you going to die?created with
QuizFarm.com You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy
at times but friendly, and you are never weak
and always independent. You are incredibly
intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a
talent for many things (sports, music, art).
You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy
the simple things. Like hanging out with
friends and watching movies at home. But you're
sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an
outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how
pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just
can't seem to break into the crowd and be
noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing
and speak out when you have more to say. Don't
hide behind your books and sports and computer,
get out there and get noticed. You also have
deep desires in life and feel vunerable and
alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What
helps me to express feelings and dreams that I
can't say to people, is through my writting.
Maybe you should try.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by