Mar 14, 2008 17:42
First of all, I see that LJ's crack management team continues to excel at decision-making and profit. Go them. If only this place were being run by spider monkeys.
Second, new Bleach chapter. I've still been reading, yes, in spite of being distracted by Other Things and extremely sick this week for no good reason. As I understand it, the Them of Ichigo/Rukia is crowing wildly over the last two chapters -- or perhaps it would be more accurate to call them the Them of Anti-Ichigo/Orihime, as there's been nothing even remotely Ichigo/Rukia for them to cheer about, only an absence of their, ah, "competitors".
I had prepared a long-winded defense of my 'ship, with a great deal of eye-rolling; I was all set to pull out more allegedly Ichigo-Rukia moments and argue about how they fall short, or are otherwise beaten-out by similar moments Ichigo has had with Orihime. I was ready, and powered by irritation and resentment.
Then I stopped, and looked at what I was writing, and realized: I hate this.
I don't hate explaining why I see Ichigo/Orihime, or why I do pretty much expect it to be canon. I do hate explaining away Ichigo/Rukia.
I like that Ichigo cares about Rukia. I love how important she is to him, I love the dorky-fail that is his hefting her and throwing her like a softball to Renji, and the way she double-teams him every now and then with Renji. I love Rukia, and how much Orihime cares about her. I love the fact that (aside from a very inconsistent line in the Bount arc, later refuted by actual dialogue from the manga), Orihime clearly went to rescue her friend, for her friend's sake, and not to follow her crush like a groupie. I love how Rukia promised she'd help her get stronger, and I almost cried when she was crawling, broken, along the ground, vowing to rescue Orihime because she knows what it's like to be a prisoner.
I love that.
I don't want Ichigo not to care about Rukia. I don't know how or why anyone can be so happy about what they see as the reverse.
I could tear your pairing to shreds, please believe me. In fact, I think I could tear pretty much anything to shreds. But it would only make me feel like a horrible person. I care about who Ichigo dates, yeah -- but I care a lot more about who his friends are.
blah blah blah,
bleach zomg