So, I joined
sages_of_chaos, because I really wanted to play Roxas in a journal-style RP somewhere. (I also made a Kairi. They are both very fun in very different ways.)
But on my opening post as Roxas, some.......guy showed up.
This is where he appears on the scene. Now, I'll be the first to admit that there was another Roxas there already and two Axels, so it's not like there wasn't something to point out bemusedly. (There are, however, five Renos, and possibly more; three of them posted today, two of which were using icons from the same screenshot of him in Advent Children. So I really wasn't anywhere near as gratuitous as I could have been!)
But this Roxas shows up with what amounts to a sticky note on his forehead reading "Come over and talk to me to prevent me from leaving."
And then he is a complete and total ass.
You really have to read the thread, I can't possibly replicate it here, but among the bizarre things he claims about himself:
1.) He is "whole" and not by Sora. Which is a might bit, you know, IMPOSSIBLE, but who am I to judge.
2.) He is four people all at once, one of which is named Johnny. (Johnny's a bad man, ma'am, Rocky doesn't need to know what Johnny's been up to...)
3.) He has a tattoo for some reason and a nebulous undefined "weapon" he carries on his back. (Maybe it's a keyblade AND a lightsaber AND a gunblade. We call it: "Garystuibur." You can only wield it if you've pulled it from the stone using only your telekentic powers while all six of the girls desperately in love with you cheer you on.)
4.) His Axel wasn't gay. You're not gay, are you? If you are, you might get gay on him. And that would like. Be bad. Or something. I guess. ("Not that there's anything WRONG with that." Thank you, Seinfeld.)
5.) He gets confused easily. Probably because of the DID with Johnny he's got going on.
And then there's his sidekick,
awkward_shoes. Blatantly played by the same person, this chick bitched out Axel and the Organization and their "black bathrobes and emo" with all the flare of a forum troll. It was like "Rocky" came complete with his very own LJ pal, ready to leap into your comm discussion and tell everyone why their best friend is totally right and had every right to post whatever moronic thing he did and why are all you losers with no lives pickin' on him anyway lolololol.
My favorite line was the part where she claimed that Axel was part of "Rocky's" painful past and how she just doesn't want to see him dragged through it again. Like Axel was the one who showed up in HIS post, wearing a "please pay attention to me, I'm leaving dramatically" sign stapled to his face.
not_ale was the first Axel to be subjected to it. After the bitch sidekick pulled out the "bathrobes lol" line, I stepped in to have Roxas point out that hey, he was over here, ignoring those people. Come join him.
not_ale, shockingly, chose to follow. I don't know why he wouldn't want to spend two hours trying to understand "Rocky's" convoluted backstory while being simultaneously yelled at by his harpie of a friend, because that sounds like heaven to me.
(I realize I'm getting steadily more virulent in my descriptions of this pair, but I still can't get over the fact that they hijacked my post so they could stand around griping about events that only happened in the author's made-up canon, while coming as close to harassing other players as they can without giving me something to REPORT to the mods. It doesn't help that, since it's in my entry, I keep getting notifications every time that bastard says something.)
Anyway, a little while later
unquenched wandered into their domain, and I wanted desperately to warn them, "NO, stay away from that 'Roxas'! He hates Axels for some unjustified reason and is otherwise LAME!" but I don't know their AIM name so I was stuck. I had to witness yet another painful conversation, wherein "Rocky" said things like "The manly thing to do is get over it" in response to Axel only thinking about the pain of losing his own Roxas. Because in addition to everything else, he's apparently psychic.
You know what, "Rocky"?
Fuck you.
I am told by
voodoobob that the player behind "Rocky" and his cohort came up with some ridiculous, sprawling multi-fandom "war" that went on for an RL year, and that he is fairly pretentious and seems to enjoy ganging up on people with two or more characters at once. I am thoroughly disgusted. It's like the man wrote a novel and then began every other conversation with strangers for the rest of his life by making references they could only understand if they had read and memorized it. He may think that he's encouraging people to pick up his book, but all he's really doing is showing off his narcissism.
By the way, the user name on this "Rocky" the Roxas?
nob0dies_fool. I don't ordinarily say "judge a book by its cover", but if l33t speak and grammar errors aren't a tip-off to bad, I don't know what is.