Nov 20, 2006 00:10
So, coding with IE7, in an attempt to make KHFA function for everyone. (Don't know what KHFA is? Don't worry -- soon you will.)
Here are some things I noticed, just on the surface:
1.) Yeah, it does pngs. Hooray! Only like five years late, from what I understand.
2.) It still doesn't understand "margin: auto", which is hilarious, because even IE6 strict understands margin: auto.
3.) It still suffers from the scary bug where text/background colors vanish sometimes when you're scrolling over a div.
4.) It doesn't get min-height/min-width, either. Although this I find somewhat understandable; if IE suddenly started understanding that a height with pixels is a literal height, a lot of websites made by people who swear by IE but don't understand IE conditional comments, etc., are going to break. And those people are going to decide IE is broken and stop using it.
bitter libek is bitter,
firefox vs. ie