I've been trying to lay low and avoid this, but thanks to
theyellowpepper, there is no more hiding.
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who got tagged need to write a blog entry of their own 6 weird things. They should as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I attract small children. I'm a toddler magnet, if you will. I walk into a room with small children and immediately they are hugging me and touching me with their little jam hands. (Must be a mental age thing.)
2. I can quote every line of The Breakfast Club from beginning to end because I have seen it 12981651357 times.
3. My absolute favorite food in the world is boiled eggs. (Don't ask, I don't know myself.)
4. I am complete addicted to the bowling game on my cell phone. I play it all day long at work. (What? There's nothing else to do.)
5. I am a total photo junkie. On my last trip to the Dominican Republic I shot 23 rolls of film and I was only there for 10 days.
6. I accidently started collecting cows. My best friend from high school worked at a pottery store and bought a bunch of cow glasses, canisters, plates, etc. with her discount and decided she didn't want them. So she gave them to me. Once people saw how much cow memorabilia I had, they started giving me more cow stuff. Now I am overrun with cows.
Hmm...all of my friends have already been tagged. All of you just dodged a bullet.