Feb 04, 2014 19:49
Got a phone call at 8 this morning. The only other girl who works with us fell outside the office we
clean every morning. unfortunately the 7 inches if snow didn't cushion her fall. She ended up with a
broken wrist and a date with surgery next week after the swelling goes down for a set of pins. The
saying "Bad Things Come In Threes" is apparently coming to get us. We are wondering what the third
bad thing will be.
Watched movies all day. Nothing else to do. Then I managed to actually cook dinner tonight. It was
just soup, but I add beef, chicken and other things into it. And then I felt ambitious so I made
cornbread. Dad said I outdid myself this time, considering I had a handicap going. I think he was
biased though, anything hot would have been good. after all, he spent eight hours on a snowplow, and
then he came home and used to snow blower on the driveway, the entire quarter mile of driveway. But
anyways, I was quite proud of myself for accomplishing that. Though, I am paying for it now. My foot
is all swollen again and giving me a lot of pain.
Next items on the list, a Lortab followed by a hot bath, and then curling up under my electric blanket
and putting on yet another movie.
why did i do this to myself.