Apr 08, 2007 15:25
Guaranteed spoiler-free. No attempts at intellectualism will be made, that comes later.
1. The Christmas Invasion; Except for two scenes that set off a few of my pet peeves, I enjoyed it lots.
2. New Earth; When I watched the first season episode "End of the World," I kept wishing for a deeper exploration of Cassandra's character, and in this episode I got it. Not flawless, but had more than enough good stuff to make up for the flaws.
3. Tooth and Claw; Once upon a time, Russell T Davies decided to make a werewolf story, and somehow fit Queen Victoria in. The result scared kids all over the English-speaking world, in the absolute best sense of the word scared.
4. School Reunion; Sarah Jane is awesome. The Krillitanes aren't.
5. The Girl in the Fireplace; Always wanted to see someone try to do this, and I dare say they did a good job. Can't tell you what they did, what with spoilers and such.
6 and 7. Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel; Solid story, I'm fairly certain I would have enjoyed this if less of the episode had been spoiled by reviews I read, but it wasn't, so I didn't.
8. Idiot Lantern; Good concept, lousy execution. Both bad guys really needed to be rewritten and recast.
9 and 10. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit; This might be my favorite. Let's see, spooky monster, empath race, doomed base, two cute guests stars, really good story, lots of the Doctor and Rose being funny and heroical. Yup, this is my favorite.
11. Love and Monsters; It is possible for a bad guy to be both gross and scary, but that didn't happen here. Good beginning. Ending ruined by aforementioned bad guy.
12. Fear Her; On the downside we've got a mediocre child actress and some extremely cheesy lines, on the upside we've got a very good story.
13 and 14. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday; Couldn't obtain it. ARRRGGGHH!
15. The Runaway Bride; The worst kind of ingenue is the brainless and constantly complaining ingenue. Not only did this episode have one, but she was in every single scene. Plus, they wasted a way beyond fantastic costume on a not remotely interesting bad guy.
Funny how often they got the bad guy wrong. Take all the stories I disliked (4) subtract the stories where I thought the bad guy was less than utterly atrocious, and you get 4. You know what this means. Inevitable hours spent analyzing the villains of Doctor Who. Yay!