Party was pretty fun:D It was a surprise bday party and the guy had no idea at all,which was good:) Another one tomorrow,i'm tired lol.
Mamma Mia the sing-a-long!!!!! me and my dad were singing of course! I didn't think anyone else was coz i couldn't hear them(the film was so loud) but some were,not enough people though!!!! Why do people go to a sing-a-long and not sing?!
I wish you guys here on LJ could come with me,then it would be awesome:D
SO cannot wait for Boogie Woogie! I heard Amanda Seyfried mention it in an interview a while ago,and i've just researched it and Stellan Skarsgard and Gillian Anderson are gonna be in it! That's like Mamma Mia meets the X-Files XD Awesome much?!?!
Lol,this is random,but i love my friend's mum,she too awesome.Last time i saw her we were talking about how much we love older guys,including Hannibal,we both love him to bits! And today she saw me and goes "any other mature men i should know about?:D"
I told her i went to Florence and saw all the places Hannibal had been*squee* which she thought was awesome,the fangirl LOL.I'm glad there is someone where i live that loves all the older men i do:D I'm just saying this coz there is a serious lack of fangirly moments in my life(when i'm not on LJ) and that made me happy today:D
I just wanna post this pic coz she is too pretty and i want her hair:
I'd be fine with GA being queen:)