May 17, 2006 15:26
Hello! I thought we needed a happy post around here. THings are so quiet. well anyway, I'm off to work in just about five minutes, I'm glad I'm not a beginner typer because then I would never have this done in time. And I would have like, the first maybe three sentences before I had to leave. And I mean I'm not as fast as some people, like my teacher... Man his fingers FLY, or Inu, when she's typative you will be responding and she'll be five ims in. I swear.
Anyway, My teeth have been postponed, so NEXT week FRI is when I'll have them out. Though, it's a pain cause these suckers really hurt. Anyway, thought I would say hi. I have to go now. But I'll be on later. I love you all.... and.... Oh yea the silent auction I'm runing is just about at an end and so far so good! Whoo! okay so I'll see you later but if you want to help with something respond to this question, even if you haven't/aren't going to college!
Ten things to know before you head off to college.
Here is some of mine/still in thinking process/
What where you sit... You never know if the teacher spits!
Right then *claps* continue!