quiz quiz

Apr 11, 2006 01:21

What are You among Your Friends? (Anime Pics)

You are the cheerful one among your friends! You are always happy and is almost never sad. That is why youre the most cheerful one among your friends. Youre friends feel at ease with you and you truly are a good friend too. Even though sometimes you seem like you dont care about something, you actually care for it very much.You are cute, nice, innocent, hyper and nave. People will like your cheerful personality and can get along with you very quickly, although you might sometimes also be shy.
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What do people see when they look in your eyes?(girl anime pics but for everyone)

When people look into your eyes they see happiness. You are the person that has alot of energy and you cant help but show it. Your eyes normally shine when you are around people you care about or people you love. Most of the time you just like to make people laugh and you love to be around people.
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