Now here's a meme I can get behind.

Jul 03, 2005 20:01

From la_petite_singe

[ ] Witchcraft (does playing around in a half-assed way with a ouija board 20 years ago count? No? Oh good.
[ ] Murder (Spiders and ants don't count, right?)
[x] Having an affair (I was an adulteree, is that a word? And they were already seperated, but apparently if I were really pure I wouldn't even have thought of seeing him. *thinks of him again* *mentally squidges his bum and kisses him inappropriately in a PDA* Yum.)
[x] Pride
[x] Wanting something that belongs to someone else! (I covet my neighbours ass bigtime)
[x] Stubbornness
[x] Homosexuality (Gay) (Not that I've ever, actually, as my lesbian sister says 'got my face wet' but I'm never gonna rule it out. Better an aspiring homo than a closet homophobe)
[x] Hate
[x] Filthy Talk (And? This is wrong somehow? I don't do it in front of children, parents or neurotic lapdogs. I have standards for God's sake.)
[x] Shacking (I'm going to guess that this is 'shacking up' i.e. living in sin.)
[ ] Incest (Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. No.)
[x] Stealing (well I just stole this from la_petite_singe, and I can hardly lie about it can I?)
[x] Selfishness
[ ] Playing with the occult (How is this different from witchcraft? Less committed perhaps? Hmm?)
[x] Ignoring God (Trying to anyway. And anyone who tell you they haven't ever done that is a liar. And lying is a sin. *nods smugly*)
[x] Drunkenness
[x] Worshipping false gods
[x] Lying (see? Told you it was a sin.)
[x] Lust
[x] Hating parents
[x] Swearing
[x] Unbelief (unbelief? Is that a word now?)
[x] Envy

86.9% Not bad at all.
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