Jun 15, 2006 18:30
Apart from spoileryness in fandom (which I've just about got over; it wasn't completely major and heartbreaking so I'm okay), the last couple of days have been good. I've found that throwing myself into making the news section in the last issue of SCAN the best ever has been quite rewarding, in a funny sort of way. Yeah, there have been lots of frustrating moments (like trying to get hold of people high up in the university management for quotes who just DON'T CO-OPERATE OR RESPOND TO YOU AT ALL), but I can safely say that now, on the other side of it all, having finished my part for the newspaper this year, it was all worth it. I just know that I'm going to be really pleased with this issue when it comes out on Monday.
Last night was also good, in a low-key kinda way. Heather came round in the evening and we watched Desperate Housewives (can't wait for the double-bill finale next week!!) and chatted for ages about stuff like post-uni plans and boys and travelling. I really like Heather; she's really open and honest and very genuine, and we have a lot in common because we both took gap years and are quite open-minded in life. She has a lot of maturity but she also knows how to have fun. I don't know what my other friends think of her all the time (there seems to be more tension between her and Claire these days), but I really hope that we stay friends next year and beyond uni. I'm sure we will.
I hadn't seen Heather for a while either, since she's been at home for a while in Keswick. She had a good time there, apparently, and found it a bit hard coming back here. I could sympathise with her there - I know exactly what that feels like.
Tonight I'm going out for a change, with Alina, Phoebe and Danielle from church. We're off to Toast, and it's the first night of Disconcertion, Nathan's new night where he's DJing. It sounds like it's going to be really good, although I don't think I'll stay until closing time, which is at 3am! I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and I've been quite tired over the last couple of days. Although at least tomorrow I can have a nice long lie-in.
This morning I woke myself up at about 7 because I was planning on going onto campus in time to interview someone for my news story. He was one of the guys high up in university management and specifically, he was the one I got pissed off at. Yesterday I arranged with his PA to call him at 9.30 on the dot since that was most convenient for him, so I was planning to wake up early and go onto campus and do it so that I could use the SCAN office dictaphone to record the conversation. I did the getting up part and couldn't stop yawning until I'd had a shower, and then I realised that Anita, the other news editor, would still have the dictaphone from one of the stories she was working on. So I didn't bother going onto campus in the end; I just decided I'd try and write down what he was saying as he spoke, and then I sat around in my dressing gown browsing the internet until 9.30. Only, when I called him, his PA said he wasn't back from his meeting yet. Eventually I arranged for him to call me on my home phone number when he got in. I thought he would call sometime before 10, because he was supposed to have another meeting then.
Guess what? I didn't end up speaking to him until about 12.30. It's a bloody good thing I *didn't* go onto campus, otherwise I would have been spitting hellfire down the phone at him when he eventually called me.
But it's all done and dusted now, the story is complete, and I'm proud of it and I think I've done a good job on it. In the end, the university management guy wasn't that helpful anyway, so it all worked out for the best, although he did waste my time a bit by not telling me when he would *actually* call. By now Jude should be just about finished plugging it into the SCAN layup.
I'm really looking forward to tonight and my lie-in tomorrow. A reward after all the hard work. And then hopefully the rest of the Fruits Basket anime series should arrive in the post tomorrow, so that I can treat myself to a nice long marathon session in the evening.
It's nice having things like these to look forward to. :) Right now I should probably think about what I'm going to wear tonight, or maybe get some dinner first.
Choices, choices.
I just heard a loud cheer coming from somewhere down the road. Presumably then, England just scored?
desperate housewives,
fruits basket,