Good News!

Nov 21, 2004 20:33

When we first moved, we talked about pets. The management of the trailer park we moved into insists that cats and dogs are not allowed... no skin off my teeth with the dogs. I like them, but they're too noisy and WAY too much work. Mom had a major objection to cats. Dont ask me why, we've had many in our lives and she loved every one of them... but she didnt want another cat. Birds are WAY to noisy... and my son is too young to be responsible for rodents or fish, and I just dont have time for that much work. So... we decided against pets. *sighs*

Today, in the midst of cleaning the kitchen and deciding on dinner, we went into our dry goods cabinet looking for a rice or potato dish to make with the pork chops. What we discovered, however, were two bags of tempura batter and two Lipton Rice packets that had been chewed open and spilled all over the inside of the cabinet.

Apparently, we somehow picked up a mouse.

SO... after cleaning up the mess, restocking the cabinet, and discussing options of how to prevent further problems... we made dinner. I played some computer games. Mom watched TV. Deavon played PS2. And then mom called me into her room and informed me that, since we apparently have a mouse... she wants us to go get a cat.


I get a cat!!

Maybe two, if I'm very lucky.

We'll probably go locate the pound next weekend.

Can you tell I'm excited? *grins*
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