Just before I leave...

Jul 28, 2004 09:00

I was just perusing the headlines over at WTOP.com.... my ONLY source of news, as I avoid the tv news, radio, and newspaper much as I would a plague victim.

I stumbled across an article about the newest court case against Michael Jackson. Now, normally I would just ignore it... possibly roll my eyes... and move on with my life. I don't know if the man is guilty of what so many have claimed. I have no opinion, other than the idea that at this point, people should know better than to let him near thier children unsupervised... just in case.

The story is here: http://www.wtop.com/index.php?nid=114&sid=22036

From what I can gather... the current case isn't even a child molestation thing. It's a family claiming, essentially, that he kidnapped the lot of them and "forced" them to fly all over the world in his private jet, attending parties, hob nobbing with celebrities, and otherwise being shown a rocking good time.


Am I the only one... aside from the reporter who wrote the article... who finds this whole concept patently ludicrous?

I dunno. Color me jaded.

I think this is my favorite part of the whole story...

The prosecutor then said Jackson gave the boy and his family luxurious gifts, flew them to exotic vacations where they met celebrities and took them to his Neverland ranch to make a "rebuttal video" in which they would say that nothing sexual happened between the boy and Jackson. But according to their timeline, nothing did happen until much later.

and a few lines down...

One trial observer, defense attorney Steve Cron, said of the story so far: "It would seem sort of weird that he would get this kid on tape saying he had not done anything and then he would go out and do it."

Cron suggested that Jackson's defense team may be pleased that the prosecution showed its hand in public.

"I would be thinking, `If this is all they have, I want people to hear it. This is not the scandalous stuff that won't get into court.'"
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