
Jul 27, 2004 22:06


No matter which way you cut it, it was an excellent movie. Terrific concepts, interesting premise, strong characters.

The series that spawned from it was equally excellent. Again... terrific concepts, great effects, engaging storyline, strong characters you could identify and empathize with... it has it all.

So am I the only one who is cosmically dis-satisfied with and disappointed in Stargate Atlantis?

Sure... the effects remain gorgeous. Certainly, the sets are nothing short of phenominal... but the characters? Ugh. The storylines? Bleh.

With the original series, I cant bring myself to turn it off, even if I'm watching a rerun for the 3rd or 4th time. With this one... I can barely bring myself to watch a full episode.

And it doesnt help that they are apparently force feeding us episodes 3 or 4 times a week. The first episode was two weeks ago, on a friday. Yesterday, they showed the first episode again. Tonight, they showed last weeks episode again... AND they're showing another one. If this keeps up, by Friday we're going have seen almost two months worth of normal airing episodes in one week.

I dunno... I guess I just don't see this one as having any staying power. A couple of the characters are mildly interesting, but for the most part I find them hollow, insipid, and just plain DULL.
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