Because it should be seen

Jun 13, 2005 14:03

FYI for any that want to be included :-)

Yes there is a new page at Pagan Politics. The new Pagan Voter Census.
We will be taking this census of registered pagan voters for the next
year. We need all pagans to sign up at the site so they can be
counted. Imagine a block of voters that are all pagan. There may yet
be a major voice for the pagan community, and this number we are
looking for may be where it starts. We need all pagans in the United
States to sign up and be counted. Send this link to every pagan and
pagan e-mail group you know so that everyone can be counted.

Go to and sign up at the Pagan Voter
Census page.

The Catholic Church believes that only 200,000 Americans are pagan.
Let's prove them to be incorrect, and that there are at least that
many voters registered in just a few states.


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