I've been reading a bit on the internets about the reaction to 218. Things like: wasn't it great that George grew a spine, it was nice to finally see some positive emotion from Yang towards Burke, the shower scene at the end was a nice mirror of George's dream and there was interesting movement in the Meredith/McDreamy romance and ...
And I sit at my computer thinking, the shower scene at the end rates an off-hand comment about how it nicely mirrors George's earlier dream? AND THAT'S IT? For me, that was the most incredibly well-acted scene out of episode and possibly even the entire series. Meredith was like a puppet being moved around by Izzie and Christina, with big blank eyes and very clearly nothing going on upstairs. Izzie and Christina managed to convey their fear for the friend and their need to care for her, without saying a word. And George recognising it for what it was, and that he couldn't help her, even though he desperately wanted to.
There are paragraphs to be written about that one scene! And yet, it seems to be lost in all the other stuff, which was, admittedly, amazing. I don't get it. I was actually getting a bit choked up while I was watching it. For me to get choked up when there are no burly men with babies or cute animals, is a very new experience. :)
Speaking of burly ... I was going through my hdd when I found some pics from my "obsessed with Ryan Reynolds" phase. I think I might have to re-visit that phase (it occurred shortly before I discovered Jamie Bamber, which is why it was cut short).
If low-slung pants and glistening chests disturb you, look away now ...
And this is why I sat through the Amityville Horror re-make, not once, but twice. guh.
Short attention span today. I'll get back to talking about grey's anatomy.
Nah, I'm over it, so I'll summarise. Burke is a hottie, Christina is my super-hero, Alex and Izzie whatever, although the post-coital hair was very funny ... as is the "I gave you sex in a broom closet, you do it" line. I wonder ...
Meredith and McDreamy is meh, don't care. Bailey is a goddess and I would love to see her and Christina fight it out for the coolest person in the world award, because that would rock. Did I miss anything? Can't wait for the next episode!