I'm on holidays! Yay!
The bad news first: I actually have to do some work this week, even though I'm on hols. I have to finish a grant proposal by December 24th (who the fuck makes a deadline of December 24th?!), which needs a bit of work this week, but it won't be too hard. And technically, I will have to work on my phd sometime in the next 4 weeks, but that can wait.
The good news second: I have 4 weeks of holidays! I had originally applied for 2 weeks, and in addition to the week of public hols/uni closedown between Christmas and New Years, that would have given me 3 weeks. Then the boss's PA calls me up and tells me that I have to take all of my 2005 annual leave before February 10th 2006, and what the hell was I doing only applying for 2 weeks when I had 3 weeks available? So I applied for the full 3 weeks and got it! Which means, I do not have to go back to work until January 18th 2006. How's that song go? My life is brilliant? FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!! ahem.
What to do, what to do on my first night of holidays. There's sleeping, which is always a good option. Catching up on my ridiculous reading list. Playing computer games. Staring into space and contemplating that nervous breakdown that I have been putting off for months. No, actually, first I am going to rant. What's new?
So, Buffy. I don't think I've actually talked about Buffy in my lj yet, but it has been a long time obsession. I'm one of those sad people that saw the movie at the cinema ... and actually liked it. I'll pause while you laugh yourself silly at me. I actually considered buying the movie, then I realised that I'd have to hide it constantly in case anyone ever saw it, making me the first person to have a hidden movie collection that had absolutely no porn in it! I'll puase again while you add stomach-clutching to your laughter. :) I've watched the tv show from the beginning and also loved it. I don't love it in the blind, unreasoning way that some people seem to, e.g. "OMG, Buffy is the greatest show EVER and I can't believe that it never got an EMMY and JOSS WHEDON IS THE GREATEST THING IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE AND HE CAN DO NO WRONG AND SPUFFY FORVER!!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!" etc. I love this show, but in my opinion, it has some flaws too. Most noticeably in season 5 and 7, but that's a post for another time. Or possibly later this evening, depending on how I go with that bottle of champers that is sitting in the fridge.
Aaaaanyway, dragging myself back to the point. About a month ago the boy and I decided to start from the beginning and watch all the seasons of Buffy. We're up to season 3, and I've probably seen all of season 3 about 5 times now, I guess? Bits and pieces of it probably more often than that. Season 3 is my favourite season, so I figured I'd really enjoy it when we finally started watching it about a week ago.
Here's the thing. I'm really not enjoying it very much. And the blame goes all on one character: Xander Harris. By the time I'd finished watching season 7 the second time (once by myself, once with the boy previously) I *loathed* Xander. There are very few people or things that I will say I loathe, but by the end of that season I was irrationally furious about him. He was such a self-righteous, arrogant, horrible, know-it-all and he was so smug and always knew he was right and had the moral high ground, even when he didn't (I'm not going to get started on season 7 Buffy and Willow, because then this post would become a 40 page essay). But, I still remembered early Xander with affection. I thought he was funny and amusing. However, the thoughts are not lasting through this viewing of season 3. By the end of season 2 I was fast forwarding through some of his scenes ... and the big showdown at the end of season 2 when he says to Buffy "The way I see it, you want to forget all about Miss Calendar just so you can get your boyfriend back". grrr. Just grrr.
But now! OMFG! I totally don't remember Xander being this irritating in season 3?! I thought he was still amusing, that he didn't get horrible until season 5 or so. And he is amusing, sometimes, but he's also horrible. And I got completely squicked out by him and Willow ... and I don't know why. I don't know what's different about this time through. Have I just lost my tolerance for self righteousness? And people are going to ask me for examples for what exactly is pissing me off so much, so I have to think of something.
Oh, I know! The ep where they find out that Angel is back and he rats out Buffy to the gang and then to Faith (who is my all time biggest girl crush, btw, although she is currently in a to-the-death battle with Starbuck for that position. My mind just went to a very odd place). I know he thought he had reason to do it, but it just proves to me that he always considers himself to be right, and the dictator of other people's morals, if that makes sense. And his whole reaction to the Cordy break-up thing is just yukky. And then there's his stupid mannerisms and his stupid laugh and I told you I was irrational about this.
I really am transferring season 5-7 Xander hate onto season 3 Xander. I just really want to enjoy my Buffy and how dare Xander make me rageful about my favourite season?
I'm only about half way through the season, so maybe he'll redeem himself soon. Or maybe I'll actually calm down enough to enjoy it and stop taking out my work and life stress on a poor, helpless tv show. On the flip side of the ragefulness, my love for Oz has never been greater. Maybe I should focus on the Oz and not the Xander. And Giles. Giles is still rocking like ... a rock? I have no idea how to finish that sentence, I'm sorry. And Faith. I should just sit back, relax and enjoy the Faithness of Faith.
Thanks LJ, for letting me vent! If anyone has actually made it this far, that is. Now, that bottle of champagne ...