For the Sanji fans....some sexy/cute/pretty fanarts...from Japan!

Feb 25, 2010 17:39

My Japanese friend sent me a site full of lovely Sanji fanart. Well, mostly Sanji fanart anyway. There's a little bit of Zoro and Luffy, and even some Shanks, Usopp, and Smoker. Most pics are pretty simple, but better than a lot of what's out there. Anyone who likes Sanji...especially sexy Sanji... should definitely take a look! (It's all PG, don't worry? Also, little to no spoilers here. But you might not get some of the joke pictures, depending on what you have or haven't seen.)

And just to add something of my own to the post, I'm including a translation of all the titles and text of the pics, along with a translation of the three or so mini-comics...because I feel like doing it. I wanna know what the stuff says, too!

Warning: REALLY long post follows!

Navigation is via the left sidebar. Or, just scroll down to the translations, all pictures are linked.

Anyway, if you do go to the page, note that the first links in the sidebar are for Metal Gear Solid fanarts, so scroll down until you see the section headed "One Piece."

When you follow the link, the page on the right is only text...followed by a link to another page, then a box describing recent updates, a box for contact, and some notices about not stealing the fanarts. The text at the top reads...

* 基本的に、最新の絵はPixivにアップしています。
→Pixivマイページ / ID:34685
This is my alternative gallery, where I archive pictures.
*Basically, I upload newer works to Pixiv.
If you have an account, you can visit me here:
→My Page at Pixiv / ID:34685

You have to have an account to view art there, and the website is all Japanese. So only go there if you're feeling adventurous...
Now, moving to the navigation bar on the left, which is the real item of interest--

Under the "One Piece" Header, it says "Sanji", then:

*The following works are from 1-7 years old.

  1. 夕陽 / "Sunset"
  2. 船上ガーデニング(4コマ) / "Gardening on a Boat" (4 Panel Comic)

  3. First panel
    Usopp: The parsley's gotten really big, huh?
    Sanji: Yep. I'll use it in the salad tonight.

    Second panel
    Usopp: Huh? Was this one eaten by a bug or something?
    It's got no leaves...

    Third panel
    Usopp: See?

    Fourth panel
    Sanji: ...I didn't see a thing. SFX: *grip*
    Usopp: Yes you did.
    Usopp: It's got yellow and black stripes.
    Sanji: Say one word more and I'll kick you.

    Text below image: 
    Based on a true story. The parsley growing on my balcony got infested with this bug.
  4. 板前・2 / "Chef 2"

  5. Text below image:
    A relaxed and sexy Cook-san
  6. バレンタインポスター / "Valentine's Day Poster"

  7. Text on poster below "Amour de Chocolat":
    "The enchantment of chocolate brings a magic that will not melt away" **

    ** Translation Note (T/N): "Torokeru choko de, tokenai mahou wo." Famous advertisement line. The word in the Japanese for "enchantment" also has a double meaning of "melt." Furthermore, when a magic spell breaks (such as Cinderella's did at midnight), it is referred to in Japanese as having "melted." Thus chocolate (that melts and enchants) creates a magic that does not melt. Clever, right? But the word play is mostly untranslatable without being awkward.

    Smaller text on poster:
    Text below image:
    Valentine's Day promotional poster for an event @ the Baratie. Got the phrasing and composition from a department store pamphlet.
  8. ハンモック(合作) / "Hammock" (Collab)

  9. Text below image:
    Marin took this line work and colored it for me.
    Thanks, Marin!
    She used colors I wouldn't normally, so it looks really fresh.
    For the one I colored, click here.
  10. ハンモック(自分塗り) / "Hammock" (Self-colored)

  11. Text below image:
    Marin wanted to see me color it.
    For the version she colored, click here.
  12. 2008年賀 1 / "New Year's Card 2008 #1"

  13. Text on card reads:
    "Happy New Year"
  14. 2008年賀 2 / "New Year's Card 2008 #2"
  15. バラティエ編パロディ・サンジの夢 / "A Baratie Arc Parody: Sanji's Dream"

  16. First panel:
    Sanji: I plan on going there the Grand Line.
    Luffy: Well go now! There's no time to wait.

    Second panel:
    Sanji: ever heard of the Suke-Suke Fruit?
    Luffy: Nope.
    Sanji: Don't you know anything!? It's a Devil Fruit that lets you turn invisible. If I could just become an invisible man...

    Text under Luffy:
    Not listening.

    Final panel:
    Zeff: Don't have to go around making such a slutty-looking face. Idiot.

    Text below image:
    So I just spoiled the other scene. This is what Sanji's really thinking about.
  17. 板前 / "Chef"

  18. Text below image:
    Anime's Edo-era version of Sanji / Copics, colored pencils, paper
  19. 夕暮れ / "Twilight"
  20. OPUA

  21. Text below image:
    Sanji from the Unlimited Adventure game for the Wii
  22. 頬杖 / "Resting His Chin on His Hand"

  23. Text below image:
    Copics, colored pencils
  24. チビナス / "Little Eggplant"

  25. Text below image:
    Copics, colored pencils
  26. 2007サン誕 / "Sanji's B-Day, 2007"
  27. 2006サン誕 / "Sanji's B-Day, 2006"

  28. Text below image:
    In celebration of Sanji's birthday.
    The period for free downloads of this image has passed.
    Thank you!
  29. 2006年賀 / "New Year's Card 2006"

  30. Text below image:
    Created with a pop art feel.
    The period for free downloads of this image has passed.
    Thank you!

  31. 2005カレンダー表紙 / "2005 Calendar Cover"

  32. Text below image:
    Published in October 2005, cover for the 2006 Sanji calendar.

  33. チョコ工場長 / "Chocolate Factory Manager"

  34. Text below image:
    Modeled after Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factoy. A bit like stealing as it is...
  35. タンクトップ / "Tank Top"

  36. Text below image:
    He's better underneath. **

    ** T/N: Another famous advertisement line, this one, for a hair salon. Or so I am told by my Japanese friend. Apparently, in the ad, a lady was being grilled and picked on at a job interview. At the end of it, she yelled out the line "Watashi, nuidara sugoindesu!" Which is literally, "I'm awesome when it's all taken off!"
    What exactly is being taken off is left to the imagination--there is a vague sexual implication, with the main intended meaning being something like, "you may not like how I look, but I'm a good person on the inside! (ie, if you were to look past ('take off') my skin, I'd be great!)".
    Edit: found a video of it on youtube!
  37. 赤シャツ / "Red Shirt"
  38. 青い夢 / "Blue Dream"
  39. 白シャツ / "White Shirt"

  40. Text below image:
    In celebration of 320,000 hits
  41. 2004年賀 / "New Year's Card 2004"
  42.  プリンス / "Prince"

  43. Text below image:
    A prince...picture dedicated to a certain someone.
  44. みかんジュース / "Mikan Juice"

  45. Text below image:
    A special tropical mikan juice for the ladies only! (chuckle)
    I went to cheer up a friend in this horrible heat.
  46.  正装 / "Formal Wear"

  47. Text below image:
    In celebration of 50,000 hits***
  48. 2003サン誕 / "Sanji's B-Day 2003"
  49. 帽子とマフラー / "Hat and Scarf"
  50. 差し伸べた手 / "Hand Held Out"

  51. Text below image:
    In celebration of Taira's 20,000 hits**

    ** T/N: The first kiriban (the one for 320,000 hits) was a thanks to the visitors of this artist's website. These second two images, however, were given to Taira as congratulatory gifts on her website's hits.
  52. ベッドの上で / "On a Bed"

  53. Text below image:
    Greeting card for the summer of 2002
    ...I didn't get to see this one at all. (laugh)
  54. 2002サン誕 / "Sanji's B-Day 2002"

2006 Calendar
These illustrations
were used in the Sanji calendar
issued October of 2005.
  1. 1・2月 / January-February

  2. Text below image:
  3. 3・4月 / March-April

  4. Text below image:
    Ducky Kisses 

Sanji's B-Day 2005
  1. ジャケット / "Jacket"

  2. Text below image:
    I love Sanji when he's sexy.
  3. サンジの"S"で5題 / "The Five 'S's Sanji Challenge"

Sanji's B-Day 2005
  1. 白コート / "White Coat" 
  2. 雲の王冠 / "Cloud Crown"

  3. Text below image:
    A crown made of cloud for the Prince,
    a gift from Chopper.
  4. Wサンジ(合作) / "Twin Sanji" (Collab)

  5. Text below image:
    A collaboration with Taira.
  6. サンジで10題 / "Sanji 10"

  7. 【1-5】
    1. ナイトブラック / "Black Night"
    2. ナイフ / "Knife"
    3. シーツ / "Sheets"
    4. バスルーム / "Bathroom"
    5. 不機嫌に基づく行為 / "An Act Done in a Bad Mood"

    6.  【6-10】
    7. スノゥホワイト / "Snow White"
    8. 眼でねだる / "Suggestive Glance"
    9. 午睡 / "Napping"
      Text on image reads:
      Oh, Nami-swan, Robin-chwan....♥♥
      Oh, I couldn't possibly...♥

    10. 裸足 / "Barefoot"

      Below the image, small text pointing to box says:
      View the close-up?

    11. 雨 / "Rain"
At the bottom of every five-picture set is a link to the original challenge website.

Sanji and Others
  1. 海とイルカと / "The Sea and Dolphins and..."

  2. Text below image:
    Picture used in the 2008 Sanji calendar.
    I really love dolphins.
  3. ドラム編映画より / "Drum Island Arc Movie"

  4. Text near Kureha:
    A collection of various Drum Island Arc Movie sketches.

    Text above Sanji:
    The pink shirt matches you so well.
    It looks awful, curlicue.

    Text beside Usopp:
    This bundled-up and lumpy Usopp is adorable.
  5. 海辺のカフェ / "Seaside Cafe"
  6. バランス勝負 / "Balancing Contest"

  7. Text below image:
    If Sanji wins, he'll have a doughnut monopoly!
  8. ハロウィン / "Halloween"

  9. Text below image:
    "I told you, this isn't for eating!"
  10. ジゴロウと犬ッペ / "Jigorou and Inuppe"

  11. Title:
    The Barrage of Inuppe's Wrath

    First panel:
    Inuppe: Can money fill your stomach?
    Cook 1: Somebody stop him!
    Cook 2: Don't do it, Inuppe!

    Second panel:
    Inuppe: Don't forget that...
    Inuppe: ...slighting a cook on the sea is the same as committing suicide...

    Third panel:
    Inuppe: By the way, I'm not a dog...
    Inuppe: I'm a penguin!!!

    Text below image:
    Baratie Arc parody.

    Jigorou: Have you seen my...
    Jigorou: ...Flying Sword Attack?

    Jigorou: Sorry, but I've never prayed to God. I'm a zombie.

    Text below image:
    Collection of well-known Zoro scenes!!
  12. とびっきりのワインを / "A Choice Wine"

  13. Text below image:
    Jointly worked collaboration with RIN.
    I didn't think about what we would draw before beginning,
    and the picture got taken over by Sanji ... (hangs head)
    So we tried to fix it by expanding the picture,
    but still it ended up like this...
    with him taking up 2/3 of it. Sorry RIN! (laugh)
    I warned you; I love him too much! (shifty eyes)
  14. 西遊記 / "Journey to the West (Saiyuki)"

  15. Text below image:
    Inspired by the 7th Log omake's "Erogappa." **

    ** T/N: Those who know the newer version of the TV drama Saiyūki may recognize the references. (The original is really old, and probably better known in the English-speaking world. It's from the late 70s, there is dubbed version called "Monkey", known as a cult classic in the UK and Australia. It wasn't shown in the US)
    Needless to say, I, not knowing the references, had a really hard time figuring out what in the heck was meant by "Erogappa," as OP is not the only media to have used the name itself. I was also tripped up by the refrences to the "7th Log," as I'm rather new to the OP fandom and hadn't heard of them.
    ANYWAY, about this "Erogappa"'s thanks to that 7th Log omake, in which Sanji is a kappa, and the NEWER version of Saiyūki. In this picture Sanji becomes the Saiyuki character named Sa Gojō...who is also a kappa. And ero. What I find amusing it that if you even mix in the Sa Gojō from the anime/manga version of's even more Sanji-ish. THAT Sa Gojō both smokes and likes to flirt with girls (sound like anyone we know?)
    Luffy shares similarities with the Saiyuki's character Son Gokū, the "Monkey King." Of course. Haha. Bet no one saw THAT one coming. Usopp is Cho Hakkai, and Robin, despite the fact that her character, Sanzōhōshi (also known in English as Tripitaka) is all against fighting, makes a nice-looking one nevertheless. Sanzōhōshi is also played by a female actor in the drama even though it is a male character.
    Wiki article on the Saiyūki TV drama here. Although the personality of Sa Gojō matches the new version character better, I think the appearance of Sanji et all as drawn here matches the old version better. Opening theme (English) from the old version here. Skip to about 0:55 to see the characters. Order: Son Gokū (Luffy), Sanzōhōshi (Robin), Sa Gojō (Sanji), Cho Hakkai (Usopp).
    ...okay, shutting up now. Took me three freaking hours to figure this all out.

  16. 敬礼 / "Salute"

  17. Text on image:
    I look forward to working with you! **

    Text below image:
    Given to someone important.† Copics and colored pencils.

    ** T/N: "Yoroshiku onegai shimasu." Translation into English varies widely depending on context. Basic meaning is "Please treat me well."

    † T/N: "Important" is not said explicitly, but the a highly honorific form is used.

  18. 2005年賀 / "New Year's Card 2005"

  19. Text below image:
    Since it's the Year of the Rooster, here's a chicken and a chick, parent and child.
  20. 100万打記念 / "Thanks for 1 Million Hits"

  21. Text below image:
    An illustration to commemorate 1 million hits.
  22. めでたい / "Well-wishing"

  23. Text below image:
    Message card to send.
  24. にやり / "Broad Grins"
  25. 黒スーツ2 / "Black Suits 2"

  26. Text below image:
    To commemorate 100,000 hits.
    The request was for the feeling of a mafia boss and his two bodyguards
  27. 黒スーツ1 / "Black Suits 1"
  28. Poo本家・版権お題板にて / "Drawn on the Theme Board, Poo Original Copyright " (Essentially, drawn in an oekaki board)

  29. 2007.7.15~19
    Text below images:
    1. Black Leg
    2. A weak celebration for the 10th anniversary of One Piece
    3. Hiriluk, your idiot son is doing well
    4. Robin with Magnolias
    5. Head Chef and Sous Chef


  1. ヒルルクの桜 / "Hiruluk's Cherry Blossoms"

  2. Text below image:
    Seen in the Drum Island Arc Movie
  3. スモーカー(合作) / "Smoker" (Collab)

  4. Text below image:
    RIN let me color her lines.
    Longing for a five-scoop cone now.
  5. シャンクス / "Shanks"
  6. ルフィ親分 / "Boss Luffy"

  7. Text below image:
    Anime's Edo-era version of Luffy / Copics, colored pencils, paper
  8. ゾロ / "Zoro"

  9. Text below image:
    This was a gift picture for someone.
  10. 2003ゾロ誕 / "Zoro's B-Day 2003"

  11. Text on the image:
    ”Autumn frost and summer heat, an afternoon nap with this dream." **

    Text below image:
    A congratulatory picture, Zoro in kimono

    ** T/N: So the first four characters seem to have been taken from Chinese poetry or something. In Japanese it is a four character combination that means "harshness/severity." In the Edo era, the phrase became a sort of motto for judges, encouraging them to be that way (ie, like the ice of autumn and the heat of summer), and then, by extension, took on the meaning of "harshness/severity."
  12. 2002ゾロ誕 / "Zoro's B-Day 2002"

  13. Text below image:
    This illustration took first in the OPSE site contest.
    Tutorial on how I made it here.

    ...T/N: That tutorial? Interesting to look at the step-by-step, but I'm not translating all that.
  14. 2005ル誕 / "Luffy's B-Day 2005"

  15. Text below image:
    Love it when there's a bandage on the forehead.
  16. 2003ル誕 / "Luffy's B-Day 2003"

  17. Text below image:
    A docile captain.
  18. 2002ル誕 / "Luffy's B-Day 2002"

  19. Text below image:
    He won't look back.
  20. 2002ウソ誕 / "Usopp's B-Day 2002"
  21. シャンクス / "Shanks"

  22. Text below image:
    Dedicated to RIN.

  1. ヒーローマシーン / "Hero Machine"

  2. Text below image:
    American comic-type heroes produced using the heroMachine.
    It was mostly impossible, and I really just threw Brook together. (laugh)
  3. 雑誌の表紙 / Magazine Covers

  4. Text below image:
    Used magmypic to create magazine covers.
    I'd read that TIME one. (serious look)

zoro, sanji, usopp, japanese, translation, smoker, one piece, shanks, fanart, luffy

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