Updatey thing

Mar 09, 2013 01:26

I'm still alive. (In case anyone was wondering.) A lot going on for me ... life got really weird in November, somehow turning into something you might read in the "Tragedy" section, like some one-chapter fic that has those THIS IS A DEATH FIC warnings at the top in the A/N.

Still writing.

Anyway, I have written about as much in the past month as I have in the past three months preceding it, or so it feels like. Nine K of words seems a paltry amount for how long it's taken to get them put together. On the bright side, that's nearly two more chapters. Then again, I seem to be in a stage of starting a number of scenes and taking a long time to finish them, which makes it kind of hard to post anything. It doesn't exactly make sense to post a collection of half-finished scenes as a chapter. That would be annoying for readers and embarrassing for me. Also, I have to admit that I am out of my depth writing fights, but fights there must be. You can't put Usopp through all this and then leave it without someone getting punched in the face.


pirates who don't do anything, fic: posm

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