For Anyone who might be going to graduate school in the next 5 yrs

Jul 08, 2006 22:54

I just got this thing in the mail from the Princeton Review on the GRE test (the test required to go to graduate school. It turns out that the test is going to be COMPLETELY revamped by Fall of 2007. Here is the differences between what it is now..and what it will be after the revamp.

What it is now..

Test Format: Computer-adaptive- the test adapts to your performance; question pool varies by test taker.

Length:2 1/2 hours

Frequency: Most weekdays and weekends, year-round

Cost: $130

Scoring Scale Verbal Score: 200-800 points
Quantitative Score: 200-800 points
Analytic Writing Assessment: 0-6 points

Test Content: Analytical writing - 2 essays- 1 30-min & 1 45 min
Quantitative - 1 45 minute section - 28 multiple choice
Verbal - 1 30 min section - 30 multipe-choice questions - analogy and antonym questions included

Compared to what it will be....

Test format: computer-based, linear exam: every test taker receives the same exam if taken on the same day

Length: 4+ hours

Frequency: Approximately 30 fixed test dates per year

Cost: no cost listed yet, most likely more expensive than before

Scoring Scale: Verbal - 110-150 points
Quantitative - about 110-150 points
Analytical Writing Assessment - 0-6 points

Test Content: Analytical Writing - 2 essays 30 min each (PLUS graduate schools will now be able to read them!!)

Quantitative: two 40-minute sections
quantitative reasoning skills tested more thouroughly
fewer geometry questions
more data interpretation questions
new question formats
new on-screen calculator

Verbal - two 40-minute sections
analogy and antonym questions eliminated
more critical reading sections
new question formats

Plus...there will be one additional Experimental section on the new GRE.

Take your pick... either take the test now, or have to forever deal with the harder...longer...and more expensive GRE test beginning Fall of 2007. I suggest taking it now if you plan on even possibly applying to graduate school in the next 5 years. The reason for this, is because even though the test will be changing, if you take the test before hand, the scores will be good for 5 years after it was taken. So please....consider this fact!
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