Mar 31, 2011 21:48
Hello everyone!
Well, I've been reading my last post (and it has been a while since then... ^__^''), and let's update this...
First: I haven't passed on my College application, unfortunately. I'm still waiting for the next recall, I still have one tiny change to get in! Or maybe I should just get real and start studying again.
Second: I've finnally started my Driving lessons! Here, when you need to take your driving licence, you need to apply for 3 kind of tests: The first, is the physical and mental test. (They evaluate the mental state of the candidate - probably if they are not going to get the car and kill people... But probably that is universal. - And if they have the strenght enough to handle a car.) After being approved on that test, you get a theoric test. But first, you need to pass through 45 hours of classes, divided into 15 long days... And, you cannot take the driving licence while you're 16, you can only apply for it when you are 18. Some people want to get the right of getting the licence with 16, but... I don't think it willl be a good idea. Some people just can't drive safely when they are 18 - I'm 23 now, btw. u_______u - so, imagine with 16!! Of course, some people can, they have enough maturity for it, but... even so, it's too risky, in my opinion. After, you have to practice with the car (at last!) to make the driving test itself.
Third: I've started to go to the gym too. Well, I've noticed that I was getting fat (mainly now, that I am unnemployed - Oh yes, I am. I got fired two months ago and I didn't find anything..... yet.), and I was getting very tired after running after the bus or in a small walk with my dog. Something had to be done O__O. So, I decided I sould start going to the Gym. It's a fine place near my house and it's not expensive. Actually, my two grandmas go there. And my cousin, and my aunt too... Someday, maybe I'll take mom with me, but I'm not quite sure she needs to go to the Gym. My mother is already thin... T.T I wish I could be like her. Another thing, I decided to go to the gym because people were already saying that I was older than my sister (and she's 6 years older than me!!!!) I believe I don't have the japanese DNA that you don't get old. Many people look at me and say that I am 5, or 6 years older than I really am! That makes me very sad...
After starting the Gym, I felt like my arms were going to fall apart. But now, after a month and a half, I feel better, my physical conditions got better and I feel that I've lost some weight too! hehe~
Well, now that I am not working, I'm taking my time to study more and practice more my japanese.... Watching doramas /o/ Yes, I'm quite addicted to Japanese Doramas. So far, I've watched:
a) Honey & Clover: About the life in the University of 4 friends. Very interesting and very sweet, I completely adore it!! It also have mangá and anime versions! and a live-action movie!! And, I became fan of Mukai Osamu-san... He's gorgeous!!
b) Princess Princess D: Also a dorama based of a manga/anime series, it's about the life of 3 boys in a all-boys school, there the 3 cutest have to get dressed as princesses. Shounen-ai, but also very funny and I completely adore the lolita-costumes made for the dorama!! (Mainly the Dark princesses, because they dress as Gothic Lolitas - Which, is my favorite lolita style. tee hee~~!
c) 1 litre of tears: This one, I've cried much more than just a litre of tears watching. (Seriously: I've cried in EVERY episode!!!) It's so sad, but it's absolutely beautiful and very well-produced. The story is very touching, about a girl with a rare and incurable disease. It's based on a true story. I still want to read the book, but I haven't found it and here in Brazil they haven't translated it. From the actors, I just knew Narumi Riko-san because she made part of Honey and Clover cast.
OBS: Those 3 were about school life.... I admit, I love school-life stories... Probably because my school life wasn't so outstanding. u.u''
d) Bartender: Ok, this one isn't about school life. XD It's about a bartender. XDD but, the most amazing about this dorama is the way the author (of the mangá, which is also very good) interpret the view of life through the eyes of a bartender. And, the cocktails and the drinks too. I don't drink, but I think a Bartender is one of the most fascinating jobs. I would like to know how to make beautiful cocktails too, although I don't like alcoholic drinks. /o/ This is the dorama that I'm following now.
If you know of any good doramas, I would like to know. I'm still quite insecure about the Korean dramas, but I would like to try one. ^_^ Mostly because I've been reading some Korean comics and theyr style is very pretty too!!
Ok, I've talked too much today! see ya~~!!
doramas update