Oct 05, 2012 04:19
From earlier tonight: in the girl's dressing room at Calico Square
Bossman: *eyeing my open messenger bag, and seeing the brown paper bag inside* What is that you are hiding in there, Raina? Hmmmmm? Goodies?
Me: *pulling out the loaf inside* Oh, well... I don't know if its any good, this one...
Bossman: Hmmmm. What is that? Something stuffed full of ginger, and cloves, and cinnamon, and lots of other spices?
Me: Oh, no no... its just banana bread. Its just I put in too much salt this time, so... it might not be good.
Bossman: With you? It is never JUST banana bread from you.
Me: Well, it does have apple brandy in it...
Bossman: SEE. It never JUST anything with you.
Me: I had these bananas, see... and they were so beyond ripe they were about to attract every fruit fly in the western hemisphere. So I HAD to make banana bread. And I had no bourbon, but I had leftover Calvados from the apple cake the week before last...
Bossman: Ugh, that is so very YOU.
Shannon: I LOVE that so much about you!
Bossman: I woulda just thrown those bananas away.
Me: Never! Can't throw that away, they're still good! You have to USE that stuff! I have some leftover egg yolks from Karen's birthday cake, so I'm going to have to make lemon curd.
Bossman: Ugh, only YOU. 'Oh, I just HAVE to make lemon curd.' You know, like its nothing! Lemon curd!