So little me went out and got the GOTHIKA concert tickets! ^____^
Two of them, for the ridiculously low price of 25 RON each (10 $ or 7 €)! <3 Got two, since I intend to drag my sweet and unsuspecting
vardiya with me, willy-nilly! :D
Then, of course I couldn't resist my friend's suggestion to check out the cute dresses in the House of Art collection... Ended up buying the cutest of them all! <3 Also, a black blouse, very-very simple but very elegant.
I've started listening to GOTHIKA - actually to 2 of their mini-albums from when they were still called Euthanasie, and I like them. I also checked out more of their pics, and some interviews from JaME, and it all heightens my anticipation! :D