Wow, it's been a while

Jan 05, 2013 09:26

Well, one of my resolutions for this year is to do more writing, and that includes around here. I've fallen into my old pattern of, for example, getting a diary, writing daily, then weekly, then suddenly realizing that I haven't written anything in months, if not years. And writing fiction seems to go along the same lines.

So, I am not setting a goal of writing every day, but hopefully every weekend. And I am working on finishing my nano-novel. I may even set up a separate blog for my non-fanfiction, since it looks like if I want to get a writing career going, I'd probably have to use a pseudonym, since when I started writing fanfic, I just shrugged and put my real name on it.

I'm still working the contract job (we'll see what happens after march, since that's the new fiscal year, and the government is cutting back, but the project I'm on is about 1/2 contract workers, and replacing us all would be a long and difficult process).

Thankfully, it looks like the Canadian job market is perking up, and technology is a good place to be.

On the personal level, well, I am babysitting my mother this weekend. She had some health problems over the summer, and she's never quite recovered (damnit, mom, go to the doctors. They can help with the lack of appetite -- and you need to eat, even if you don't feel like it. And physio to help rebuild strength. Lying in bed all day doesn't help you with the muscle weakness. Sigh. Rant over). My father had a funeral to travel to today (about a six hour drive each way). It's a cousin who was his roommate through university, as well as his best man when he got married, so he definitely was going, but mom wasn't up to staying home alone, so here I am.

Next weekend I will be babysitting my nieces, since their parents are going to a 'not a christmas party' with his company, and plan to stay at the hotel overnight. Hopefully I won't smash the Furby by the end of the weekend. Who thought that bringing back those things was a good idea? They are loud and they don't have a volume or an on/off switch, and my niece adores it. Hopefully after a while that will fade and it will end up staying in her room.

And for Christmas I got a bunch of Best Buy (Canada) gift cards, so I now have a tablet. I didn't want a gigantic one, and I was not impressed by the iPad mini (crappy screen and way too expensive for the memory), so I got a Google Nexus 7. It's just right. A little larger than my Sony eReader, with a really nice screen, and for double the memory, it was about $70 cheaper than the iPad mini.

I am still writing my book reviews on Goodreads (My lists are at here). I even applied to be a 'librarian', and was accepted, although I don't expect to do lots of edits in that role.

So, new year, and an attempt to turn a new leaf. We'll see how long that last ;p

Note: Just noticed that my last posting, more than a year ago, started out with the same phrase as the title of this post. Lets try not to go another year without posting, okay?

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