
Feb 10, 2011 17:49

Last weekend, my cousin went to bed with a headache. A while later, her husband went to wake her for dinner, but she wouldn't wake up. So he called 911.

When they got to the hospital, it was found that she had a tumor behind one ear that had burst, and she was rushed into surgery fast. They think they got all of the tumor, but there was so much blood... They need the swelling to go down so that they can do an MRI to find out.

But she ended up in a coma, with her blood pressure periodically spiking. Her older child was called home from university, just in case.

Thankfully, she woke up today. She was even able to eat a little bit of jello and banana. Her blood pressure seems to be normalizing. She's not out of the woods by any means, but at least she's awake.

It's things like this that scare you awake, so to speak.

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