You know, I had a super night last night - went out with R. (
ncarolina) for her b-day with a couple of friends from work, including Adoraboy!* (I had five quality hours with him last night!) I was thrilled for R. to meet some of my work peeps who are genuinely nice guys, and to get her opinion on Adoraboy. Which she provided, and which was favorable yet sharp and analytical and very helpful. Another post.
And then I come home and get kicked in the gut by Michael Scott. And then I couldn't sleep for like, 5 hours plus my buzz totally wore off. Michaellllll. Paaaaaaaam! Kellyyyyyyyyyy. Andyyyyyyyyyyy. I can’t stop moooaaaaaaaaning!
There will be meta this week. Oh yes. There will be meta.
*We get on like gangbusters and I really treasure the times I get to see him outside of work, which has been a couple of times in the last month or so - plus last night! If circumstances were different maybe we could be more than friends, but now I am reviewing his work, so it’s just not consistent with my values to even attempt to be anything more than friends. So even though I am head-over-heels for this guy in a way I haven't been about anyone in ohhhh, about 15 years, it would be good for me to regain my normal head-under-heels posture and reevaluate when circumstances do change. And who knows who I will meet in the meantime! (I don't care if you're straight, gay, engaged, whatever -- a woman. Needs! Intercourse!) Ohhh Andy Bernard, ILU!