You must know by now that I think The Office is teh bestest thing evah. But what awesome-y thing about the show can I rec to you? Besides the show itself, of course.
Oh my God, you guys. Awesome Office fanfiction. You can keep up with new fic via
scranton_times, courtesy of maintainers
kyrafic and
annakovsky. And here are some of my all-time favorites, by category.
Are you emotionally drained by the Jim/Pam drama-palooza of Season 3? Are you missing the light, airy and sweet fun of their S1-S2 relationship a la The Alliance, Office Olympics, Halloween, or Drug Testing? Dammit, you just want those kids to work it out!
June, by unfold (aka
Spring Cleaning by
fearlessfan (also a great ensemble fic)
I’m not sure if
this gem has a title, but I refer to it as the “Elevator” series, by
honey_wheeler (part 4 also belongs in the BONUS category below)
Pack Up Your Bags, It’s Never Too Late! by
kyrafic and
annakovsky Maybe you’re the type who feels better about her own life when she’s reading about characters with uber-angst. Or perhaps you’re simply a sadist.
Nothing Better by
obsession_incHope by nomadshan (AU’s aren’t my bag, baby, but this story is set in the Depression era and just blows me away. Which is hard, because I’m not feather-light, yo)
And Harder Still to Make Noise by
sophia_helix (delicious Pam-angst from way before all the cool kids -- like the actual writers on the show -- were doing it; totally belongs in the BONUS category, too)
Do you love the characters so much that it doesn’t matter what the pairing is (or whether there even is a pairing!), as long as the story is well-written and perfectly in character?
Five Stories Kelly Kapoor Never Told by
winter_baby (Kelly, various)
Hung Up, or The Mysterious Absence of the Dundies in Season Three by
may faith stand firm by
miss_bennie (aka Code Name Remax) (Angela/Ryan!!!)
So Much Better on My Own, or Five Things Pam Learns When She Moves into Her New Apartment by
darastar (Pam)
Spring Cleaning (again) by
fearlessfan Five Reasons Pam is So Hot, by Jim Halpert and
by Kevin Malone by
greenfish-- there is not enough Kevin fic in the world.
Burden of Proof by
daygloparker -- brilliant Dwight POV
Life During Wartime by
honey_wheeler -- another perfect Dwight POV. Dwight/Madge from the warehouse
Here's a special category for other Andy devotées like myself.
Free Break by
obsessive_inc (kind of a Stamford-ensemble; very slight, blink-and-you-miss-it Jim/Karen).
Five Highs and Lows in Andy and Karen's Rollercoastery Friendship written for
yankeeficswap by
agate Crossing the Line by
annakovsky The
warning_labels series, wherein Jim & Pam are doing it all throughout S2. Guuuuh. It’s a collaborative effort starting with miss
Caution: Do Not Use on Bare Skin Things Jim Can’t Remember by
annakovsky (Jim/Mark, Jim/Pam)
Tumbler by nomadshan (Jim/Josh)
An Office/Arrested Development crossover!
The Life and Times of a Temporary Employee by
kyrafic, GOB/Kelly. This fic is basically everything that is awesome.