Jul 01, 2007 21:20
ok. not only do i get to go to Bowling For Soup conert with JACKIE!!!!! but i get to go for FREE!!!! just because my dad is taking us home! like...total AWESOME!!!!!
i feel better now. yes.
aaaannnndddd now it's time to go meet Mary, my soon-to-be-aunt. and i get BROWNIES!!!!!
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just because i'm excited that my senior pictures turned out well does not give you the right to *trash talk* me, if that's what you can call your pathetic excuse for what this is.
if there is something about me you don't like, have the balls to say it to my face.
and, if i do go around all the time saying how good i look, which i was not aware i did, then the only reason i do is because, i'm sure you know, when i was younger i was not attractive in any way, and now, FYI, i AM.
i don't care if you disagree or not, but, the truth is, i AM attractive.
i'm sorry that you're so insecure about your own looks that you have to try to tear me down to make yourself feel better.
and as for me being so "damn conceited", you should look around you. there are a TON of people in the world who are wayyy more conceited than i am.
oh. and i know i'm not God's gift to Earth. I NEVER SAID I WAS. that part is another one of my pathetic, lame attempts to make you feel better about yourself.
if i piss anyone off, they should come to me and tell me, and not be a huge pansy and try to be all tough with their keyboard, because it's not threating, AT ALL.
the only reason i'm even responding to this comment instead of confronting you in person is because you're too much of a gutless, lame ass to comment me with your name.
so there you go.
oh, and one last thing: this comment has absolutely no effect on me.
i know who i am, and your dumb opinions of me will NEVER change.
i'm sure you've stepped all over me before and have made me feel like shit in the past, but it won't work this time.
i'm above that.
i know that i AM beautiful, and smart. and one day i will be completely successful with what i do with my life. and i will be happy.
and your little comment won't matter AT ALL to me.
so, you can go ahead call me conceited all you want.
but i'm going to call myself what i KNOW i am:
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