As a single mother, one of the things I've heard a lot from the men I've dated is, "I don't want to compete with your son for your attention." Sometimes, they get creative with the phrasing; usually not.
But after ten years of hearing various iterations of the same thing, I have one thing to say about that:
Kids require attention.
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If you don't want kids in your life then stay away from people who do! Parenting doesn't end when they turn 18. Lots of kids stay in their parents' houses well after entering legal adulthood, and continue to call their parents for help, guidance, solace, advice, etc. for the rest of their lives. Someone who doesn't want to be my partner when I'm raising my children will not want to be my partner when they're grown, either. Something will always come up and a person who thinks they need to compete with a young child will definitely think they need to compete with a grown one, too.
And you are NOT a helicopter parent. Helicopter parents can't let their kids out of their sight, do everything for them, go to extremes to keep them from experiencing anything challenging, and make all the decisions for them. You are committed to raising your child to the best of your ability, which is your job as his parent. Calling you a helicopter parent is a neon sign that they're just being petty and jealous, and being jealous of a person's kid is pathetic.
I know it's bullshit, but it still pisses me off.
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