Aug 25, 2004 22:08
Age of first kiss: 11
Number of people you've kissed: Many.
French kissing is: Fun. In the right place, at the right time. With the right person.
The worst kind of kiss is: The last kiss?
The best kisser you know: I'll pass.
The worst kisser you know: Again, I'll pass
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: I really don't know. I'll go with Tarja, just for safetys sake. =P
Friend you would like to kiss: There's several, but I don't know that some of them would appreciate it. (Don't even think about starting to guess, Grant)
Favorite movie kiss: ...mmm, there's a few. Can't pick them off the top of my head, though.
Do you kiss on the first date? ... ahaha. Don't make me mad.
Eyes open or closed? Closed, less likely to start worrying whether or not this is actually happening.
Average number of kisses you get a day: 0.000000000000001? Less, probably.
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? Might have done. (We were drunk! Spinning bottles! You know, it happens..)
The last person you kissed: ....
Best placed to be kissed: Mouth/neck.
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? Yes, I have.
What about the opposite sex? Yes.
Do you consider kissing cheating? Not really, though it depends on what kind of kissing.
The longest you've gone without a kiss: ... too long?
The kiss you regret most is: It'll offend someone.
Kissing in public is: ... a major jealousy-causing moment.
Tongue rings are: Ugh?
Two girls kissing is: *shrugs* Whatever. I've seen it so much lately, it doesnt even register.
Two guys kissing is: Rare. Sometimes people around here are too uptight.