I have something to say.
Physical Education
Its a class everyone is farmiliar with. But do any of us really know its true meaning. Well thats why Im here:To spell it out for everyone. So here goes.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION according to my gym class: (read carefully)
Pretty annoying blonds who arent so pretty just really really orange.
Hyperactive sophmores who talk too loud and never shut up.
Yellow hair? no ones natural haircolor is yellow.so stop dying it like that. it looks horrible.
Stupid people who cant hit a volleyball to save their life and just watch it as it throttles throught the air toward their FACE and they just stand there and step out of the way at the last second instead of trying to make an attempt to hit it. oh and then they flail their arms in the air pretending like they did try to hit it. you're not fooling anyone genious.
Idiotic people who dont know how to play sports
Covering up lies that you talk about people doesnt work. so stop pretending you dont talk about people behind their backs and well stop pretending that we actually care what you think. cause we dont. duh? get a clue dumbass(es).
All of the people who stand, point and laugh at the nerdy kids who try to play gym. Its not cool. I love nerds and they live a harder life than you so shut your face. Theyll grow up to be someone like Bill Gates and youll grow up to be someone like Carleen Johnson. Never heard of her? oh yea thats because shes not rich OR famous.
Love the stylish gym clothes. NOT. stop playing with your hair in the locker room and go out of attendance. no one cares what you look like for gym.
Elbowing ugly bitches in the face is fun. the end. no.
Dumb people get in my way but I just give them dirty looks because im a big scary junior and theyre all sophmores.
Ugly girls shouldnt wear lots of eyeliner. youre ugly. get a clue.
Cut the pot smoking. you arent cool when you brag about it. everyone does it. youre just the bitches that are open about it. get a life. it doesnt make you cool. its an addiction.
Any form of putting on, or plastering on makeup should be left for sometime OTHER than using up all the mirror space infront of the sinks. some people actually need to use that space to wash their hands instead of apply their fifth coat of mascara for that day. i wash my hands.
Try to keep the giggling to a minimum. you laugh like men. oh yea, you talk like men too. all three of you.
I try to be nice. but your bitches. sorry. thats just the way it is. oh yea. i can be a bitch too. just incase you couldnt tell.
Obsessive compulsive hair touching. look, stope touching your hair and please dont stand in my way while i chuck my floor hockey stick at your head. kthanks?
Nuerotic triplets that need to not bug me shouldnt be pretending to not know what im talking about. we all know whats going on and whats going down so shut your orange faces and stop touching your yellow hair. no one wants to have sex with you because your nasty and that boy only made up the rumor that he had sex with you because hes evil and it was a joke. no one would really have sex with you. youre orange. stop tanning. oh and dont ever talk to me again. kthanks.
that was my physical education rant. i greatly dislike the select few in my gym class.
some people just bug me.
i love kelli and kaitlin.
they make my life.
they are the only sophmores i will ever be bestfriends with. sorry.
k i wasted enough time talking about losers.