I feel squeaky clean.

Jan 23, 2009 20:50

I also feel very underemployed right now (thanks, you sucky economy), but I definitely feel squeaky clean.  After my shift tomorrow, though, it'll be another story.  I don't like grease fumes.

The next is cut to keep the drama to a minimum.

I always hope for each year to start out better than the one before.  Typical, I guess, especially with all of the drama that seems to surround me at times.  It's only January, but this year is not off to a good start, either financially or with certain members of my family.

For starters, my stepmother has had a few mini strokes, or TIAs for all the medically inclined.  This is nothing like in the past where we could never be sure if she truly had a disease or not.  I've worked with people who've suffered from strokes before, and she's definitely had a stroke or two.  Now she's having seizures, and she's milking the situation for what it's worth.  Last night, as I was speaking with my dad (he called me, shock of shocks), I heard my adopted brother say to my dad that "Mom wanted him."  Dad went to see what was up, and she asked for a fan to be turned on.  Like she couldn't get up and turn it on for herself.  Granted, I don't know what her actual physical condition is right now, but something about that request just rubbed me the wrong way.  If you are not restricted to bed rest by a doctor, you can get your ass out of bed and switch on a fan.  It's not like you're lifting a fifteen-pound toddler.

What really bothers me about this situation is my dad was also recently hospitalized for chest pains.  Again.  However, instead of being able to take care of himself, like he's supposed to be doing (he's going to need a heart transplant before too much longer), he's now playing nursemaid with my stepmother.  I'm not doubting she's got something wrong with her, kids, but I kind of wonder how much of this she's done to herself.  I know it sounds terrible of me to say that, but this is also a woman who's had similar problems to other family members at around the same time as said family members.  She was also "pregnant" with triplets when she had no uterus (way back when I was eleven/twelve).  I can't stand seeing my dad be reduced like that, like his own healthcare needs aren't as important as hers, but it's also something he's doing to himself.  They've almost made it to the twenty year mark for their marriage.  I don't believe he's going to leave her at this point.

Finally, as I said up above, I'm feeling very underemployed right now.  ^_^  The economy sucks, as everyone already knows, but this is something only someone from Michigan can truly understand.  Unemployment's at 10%, the highest in eleven years.  It used to be at least a column and a half to two columns for help wanted classifieds.  Now it's not even a single column.  Maybe like ten job listings total . . . on a good day.  I've applied for food assistance so we'll see how that turns out.  I'm just waiting for my work place to get the paperwork back to me.  Once I have that information (I'll be copying it for myself, too), I'll get it turned in then hopefully be able to file for under-employment.  I'm not holding my breath on anything because the state is being overwhelmed with requests for assistance.  Ah well.  Whatever happens, happens.  At least I can still write!  ^_^

I hate to complain about things or even sound like I am . . . so to those of you who think I'm complaining, I apologize.  That really is not my intention with this.  It's just an update on my life . . . since I haven't written in this for three weeks.  My bad.  But then I'm not online like I used to be when I started this account, either.  This entry isn't about all bad things.  I mean, I know my situation right now is bad.  It's been bad for almost a year, but I'm also not completely destitute.  I do have a job.  The hours right now suck, but I do have a job.  The extra freetime (if I can keep myself motivated without overdosing myself on caffeine -- ha ha) is something I can use (and should be using -- again, my bad) for writing.  I want to be published.  This is my time.  Otherwise, I'd still have a job at that blasted nursing home!  Or I'd be at the hospital or any of the other places where I've gone for interviews.  Yes, my logic is strange.  ^_^

So now I'm off to get the first book typed.  Hope everyone has had a good Friday!

uh-huh, real life sucks, something like that, writing, yep, real life, real life update

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