I rock in my awesome might!

Oct 20, 2006 10:56

Okay, so I'm bragging just a little bit. Sue me. ;) Granted you won't get much, perhaps a fanfic or two, but you're welcome to try!

Anyway, about the "awesome might" I possess . . . I hope I never have to go through such a thing again.

As everyone on my f-list knows (or should know), I work in a nursing home. If you know anything about CENAs and nursing homes, you know residents get bed baths daily and showers/full baths weekly (twice a week if they're on hospice, or if the resident/family of the resident has specifically requested it).

I gave my one resident her scheduled shower last night. I'm a good worker that way. ;) I also gave two other ladies showers last night. One I wasn't sure about. No charting had been done. The other I knew for sure hadn't. (Again, I'm a good worker that way. I checked the books.)

I still got out on time.

Behold me in my awesome might. I never want to do that again. (And for those of you wondering why I did them, well, I didn't exactly want to get in trouble for something I wasn't there for. Granted, I wouldn't be in trouble but I'd be the one to hear about it. I'm trying to make my shift look good.)

Wendy's is a cakewalk compared to the nursing home. It really is.

Now to get back on track with that novel. (Yes, I've been working on it some!) -glomps nolan-ash-

writing status, work, masochist tendency

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